

2014/10/15 ¤U¤Č 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uisearchdisplaycontroller

UISearchView not displaying search values


searchText self.searchResults self.allItems filteredArrayUsingPredicate resultPredicate BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString UISearchBar searchBar controller searchBar self filterContentForSearchText.. searchBar scopeButtonTitles objectAtIndex searchBar selectedScopeButtonIndex return YES BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchScope NSInteger searchOption UISearchBar searchBar controller searchBar self filterContentForSearchText..

Prevent a UISearchDisplayController from hiding the navigation bar


a UISearchDisplayController from hiding the navigation bar Whenever a user begins editing a UISearchDisplayController 's search bar the search controller.. a UISearchDisplayController from hiding the navigation bar Whenever a user begins editing a UISearchDisplayController 's search bar the search controller becomes active and hides the view's navigation bar while presenting the search table.. becomes active and hides the view's navigation bar while presenting the search table view. Is it possible to prevent a UISearchDisplayController from hiding the navigation bar without reimplementing it iphone iphone sdk 3.0 uinavigationcontroller uisearchdisplaycontroller..

UISearchDisplayContoller ??can't prevent table reload on typing in search bar


#0 abcde #1 etc. Desired result is of course nothing happens until I hit the search button. #pragma mark #pragma mark UISearchDisplayController Delegate Methods BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString.. the search button. #pragma mark #pragma mark UISearchDisplayController Delegate Methods BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString return NO BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController.. controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString return NO BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchScope NSInteger searchOption return NO #pragma mark #pragma mark UISearchBarDelegate..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


to filter NSFetchedResultsController CoreData with UISearchDisplayController UISearchBar I'm trying to implement search code in my CoreData based iPhone app. I'm not sure how to proceed. The app already.. @property nonatomic retain NSFetchedResultsController searchFetchedResultsController @property nonatomic retain UISearchDisplayController mySearchDisplayController @end I created a helpful method to retrieve the correct FRC when working with all of the UITableViewDelegate.. self.savedScopeButtonIndex scope #pragma mark #pragma mark Search Bar void searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller willUnloadSearchResultsTableView UITableView tableView search is done so get rid of the search FRC and reclaim..

How can I change strings of “Cancel” button, “No Results” label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController?


can I change strings of &ldquo Cancel&rdquo button &ldquo No Results&rdquo label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController How can I change strings of Cancel button No Results label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController Please help me .. UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController How can I change strings of Cancel button No Results label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController Please help me iphone uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question I solved it myself. Cancel.. share improve this question I solved it myself. Cancel Button void searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch UISearchDisplayController controller controller.searchBar setShowsCancelButton YES animated NO for UIView subview in controller.searchBar subviews..

iPhone SDK: Setting the size of UISearchDisplayController's table view


I disable the banner ad I can see that the search display table spreads right down to the tab bar. iphone uitableview uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question The key to solving this one was finding out when to change the geometry of the table view...

UISearchDisplayController changing row height


of entries in this list and can't take the performance hit. What's the right way to fix this iphone uitableview uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question The correct way to do this is to use the following delegate. void searchDisplayController..

Prevent a UISearchDisplayController from hiding the navigation bar


from hiding the navigation bar without reimplementing it iphone iphone sdk 3.0 uinavigationcontroller uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question The simplest solution and no hacks. @interface MySearchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController..

UISearchDisplayContoller ??can't prevent table reload on typing in search bar


is my first question asked here ”please let me know if I miss any points of etiquette iphone uitableview uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question This is just the way UISearchDisplayController SDC works. When the user enters the first..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


has any examples of code using search with the FRC I would greatly appreciate it iphone search core data uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question I actually just implemented this on one of my projects your question and the other wrong..

UISearchDisplayDelegate how to remove this opaque view?


searchDisplayControllerDidBeginSearch i need to set something... but what thanks. iphone objective c ipad uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question Temporary solved using UIKeyboardWillAppearNotification . NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter..

How can I change strings of “Cancel” button, “No Results” label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController?


of Cancel button No Results label in UISearchBar of UISearchDisplayController Please help me iphone uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question I solved it myself. Cancel Button void searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch UISearchDisplayController..

SearchDisplayController search multiple arrays


instead of only reloading the data if a result was found. Now it works perfectly D iphone objective c xcode nsarray uisearchdisplaycontroller share improve this question The search display controller calls the UISearchDisplayDelegate method searchDisplayController..

UISearchDisplayController causes crash after viewDidUnload


does not even get called on the first view controller at this point Apple's code blows up before then. iphone uisearchdisplaycontroller uistoryboard share improve this question So far I found this working solution for iOS 5 SDK using ARC in .h file declare..

Customizing search bar in iPhone application Development


my customize search bar I am giving an image to see what types of search bar will be there... iphone ios uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller uisearchbardelegate share improve this question you can subclass the UISearchBar and override the layoutSubviews method..

How to keep scopebar even after pressed Cancel button?


UISearchBar searchBar searchBar setShowsScopeBar YES return YES Thanks iphone uitableview uisearchbar uisearchdisplaycontroller cancel button share improve this question I've had the problem today and I think I've found a solution. You need to..