

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uistatusbarstyleblackopaque

iOS Status Bar changing color to match navigation bar on its own


ios objective c cocoa touch uinavigationcontroller share improve this question Set your status bar style towards UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque and you should get a solid black bar. To do that use setStatusBarStyle animated on your applications' instance UIApplication..

Phonegap - How do i make the statusbar black?


improve this question A PhoneGap iPhone application is just a regular Xcode iPhone project. Add UIStatusBarStyle UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque to your Info.plist . Open your Xcode project e.g. MyApp.xcodeproj Open your Info.plist file e.g. MyApp Info.plist Add a..

How to Change the color of status bar


bar How can we change the color of the status bar I know we can change the style by application setStatusBarStyle UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque Please suggest. iphone cocoa touch share improve this question Actually you can but it's a hack and apple def. has..

Transitioning UINavigationBar colors?


an effect that's pretty close. void viewWillAppear BOOL animated UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarStyle UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque animated animated self.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle UIBarStyleBlackOpaque As you've noticed the navigation..

Detect if the user has touched the screen


didFinishLaunchingWithOptions NSDictionary launchOptions UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarStyle UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque NSThread sleepForTimeInterval 2.75 self.window MyKindOfWindow alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds MyKindOfWindow.. didFinishLaunchingWithOptions NSDictionary launchOptions UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarStyle UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque NSThread sleepForTimeInterval 2.75 self.window MyKindOfWindow alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds MyKindOfWindow..