

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uistoryboardsegue

iPhone utility application, Label text does not update in FLipSideView


label It is synthesized in the .m file @synthesize label _label and my prepareForFegue method is void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue identifier isEqualToString @ showAlternate FlipsideViewController fsv FlipsideViewController..

How to pass data from one View to other view in IOS using UIStoryboard segues?


You can pass the data explicitly and in storyboard that is with the prepareForSegue call. void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue identifier isEqualToString @ ContactsViewControllerSegue ContactsViewController cvc ContactsViewController..

How to pass data back from one view to other View in IOS?


to ViewB from ViewC I think you guys can help me. Edit In View A i am calling ViewB like this void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue.identifier isEqualToString @ RemixScreen if self.recipeFrom isEqualToString @ ViewB ViewB.. segue destinationViewController somedata i will pass here In View B i am calling like this void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue.identifier isEqualToString @ ViewA ViewA data segue destinationViewController some data.. weak id ViewBProtocol delegate ... @end Now we look at ViewBController's prepareForSegue void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender UIViewController controller segue destinationViewController if controller isKindOfClass ViewCController..

tableview will not update on phone


section 2 return @ The Heroes else return @ Saved DFG Workouts #pragma mark Table view delegate void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender BIDWODDetails destination segue.destinationViewController NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForCell..

'Receiver (<ViewController:>) has no segue with identifier 'infoseg'


'infoseg' Recently my app is crushing when the app switch to the next ViewController. this is the prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender ShowInfoViewController secondViewController ShowInfoViewController segue.destinationViewController..

iOS 6 - can i return data when i unwind a segue?


the storyboard tools. I have created the following event handler in the view I want to unwind to IBAction quitQuiz UIStoryboardSegue segue NSLog @ SEGUE unwind This fires correctly and unwinds the segue the message gets logged . When the user quits the.. clear solution. In the view controller that is the target of the unwind you should create a method that takes a single UIStoryboardSegue parameter and returns an IBAction. The UIStoryboardSegue has a method to return the source view controller Here is the example.. of the unwind you should create a method that takes a single UIStoryboardSegue parameter and returns an IBAction. The UIStoryboardSegue has a method to return the source view controller Here is the example taken from the video credit to Apple . IBAction done..

Passing data between two controllers using storyboards


subject animated BOOL animated self performSegueWithIdentifier @ showDetail sender subject ... void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue.identifier isEqualToString @ showDetail ListsViewController controller segue.destinationViewController.. instance of your ListsViewController class which knows nothing about your subject . That's why you need to wait for UIStoryboardSegue to instantiate a destination view controller from the storyboard and then configure it the way you want which you can do.. BOOL animated self.subject subject self performSegueWithIdentifier @ showDetail sender self void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue.identifier isEqualToString @ showDetail ListsViewController controller segue.destinationViewController..

UIStoryboardPopoverSegue opening multiple windows on button touch


in my view controller class so when the controller is done it will drop to nil automatically. void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue isKindOfClass UIStoryboardPopoverSegue class Dismiss current popover set new popover currentPopover.. class method. To access it over ride the method in the calling view controller like this void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender The Storyboard Segue is named popover in this case if segue.identifier compare @ popover NSOrderedSame..

How pass data in seque ios5 storyboard uitableview to detail view


I have seque going to my detail view from the tableviewcontroller. My code for the seque is void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue.identifier isEqualToString @ DetailViewControllerSeque DetailViewController detailViewController.. Intro.html You do set the segue at the table cell and give it a name in the storyboard file. void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender When a row is selected the segue creates the detail view controller as the destination. Set the..

Use didSelectRowAtIndexPath or prepareForSegue method for UITableView?


this I'll have to pass a couple objects to the detail view. But do I use didSelectRowAtIndex or void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender iphone objective c uitableview storyboard share improve this question If you use prepareForSegue.. sender message is sent to the current view controller so I'd suggest something like this void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender Assume self.view is the table view NSIndexPath path self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow DetailObject..

iOS 5 Segue not working after the first execution


@ sLogin sender nil Then in the prepareForSegue method in the Dashboard VC void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender if segue.identifier isEqualToString @ sLogin LoginViewController livc segue.destinationViewController..