

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uipickerviewdelegate

cannot find interface declaration for 'AbstractPickerView',superclass of 'AttackLayer'


AttackLayer AbstractPickerView this is the one which gets the error @interface AbstractPickerView AbstractLayer UIPickerViewDelegate @interface AbstractLayer CCLayer can anyone see what is wrong over here #import Foundation Foundation.h #import AbstractPickerView.h..

How to use one UIPickerView for multiple textfields in one view?


reloadData self animatePickerViewIn return NO and this way until 8th So when your view controller that in fact is the UIPickerViewDelegate you populate your UIPickerView according to the current array and you don't need to change anything just use the currentArray..

UIPickerView: last value followed by first value


return kRowsInPicker 10 000 is good if you add a few more zeros there seems to be problems. #pragma mark #pragma mark UIPickerViewDelegate methods NSString pickerView UIPickerView pickerView titleForRow NSInteger row forComponent NSInteger component return pickerData..

Top cell name changes when changing any cell name


DetailViewDelegate NSObject void setCellName2 NSString cellName @end @interface DetailViewController UIViewController UIPickerViewDelegate NSArray PickerData @property weak nonatomic IBOutlet UITextField habitField @property strong nonatomic UIToolbar toolBar..

Hiding/ Showing UIPickerView


have an allocated UIPickerView when touches occur @interface ThirdViewController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate UIPickerViewDelegate IBOutlet UIPickerView pickerView iphone uipickerview share improve this question UIPickerView inherits from UIView..

UIDatePicker select Month and Year


UIDatePicker show only month and day


UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer UIDatePickerMode Create a view and controller that implement the UIPickerViewDelegate and create your own you may find a little more detail here http stackoverflow.com questions 367471 fixed labels in the selection..

Remove the “Today” entry from UIDatePicker


your custom date picker Implement a UIPickerViewDataSource to set up row titles dimensions and row counts. Implement a UIPickerViewDelegate to handle events from your custom picker. Make sure you update your day wheel when the month wheel changes so you get appropriate..

How can I get a check mark beside UIPickerView labels?


share improve this question You need to implement pickerView viewForRow forComponent reusingView from the UIPickerViewDelegate. You have to create a view that contains a UIButton with the checkmark image and return it from pickerView viewForRow forComponent..