

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uiswitch

Changing the text on a UISwitch


the text on a UISwitch The UISwitch currently says ON and OFF. Can I change the text to YES and NO Would it be hard Or do I just rephrase the.. the text on a UISwitch The UISwitch currently says ON and OFF. Can I change the text to YES and NO Would it be hard Or do I just rephrase the question I ask..

UISwitch in a UITableView cell


in a UITableView cell How can I embed a UISwitch on a UITableView cell Examples can be seen in the settings menu. My current.. in a UITableView cell How can I embed a UISwitch on a UITableView cell Examples can be seen in the settings menu. My current solution UISwitch mySwitch UISwitch alloc init.. cell How can I embed a UISwitch on a UITableView cell Examples can be seen in the settings menu. My current solution UISwitch mySwitch UISwitch alloc init autorelease cell.accessoryView mySwitch iphone objective c cocoa touch uitableview uiswitch..

How to customize UISwitch button in iphone?


to customize UISwitch button in iphone I created a UISwitch using this code... UISwitch switch UISwitch alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 110 230.. to customize UISwitch button in iphone I created a UISwitch using this code... UISwitch switch UISwitch alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 110 230 60 60 window addSubview switchView switchView.. to customize UISwitch button in iphone I created a UISwitch using this code... UISwitch switch UISwitch alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 110 230 60 60 window addSubview switchView switchView release The created..

Checkbox in IPhone application


do this. Give me some ideas plz. Thanks in advance iphone share improve this question Generally you would use the UISwitch for checkbox like functionality. You could roll your own though by using an image control with two images checked unchecked..

Custom UISwitch & App Store approval


UISwitch App Store approval After doing some reading I've found that you can customize the text and color on a UISwitch control... UISwitch App Store approval After doing some reading I've found that you can customize the text and color on a UISwitch control. I'm curious if these methods will cause problems trying to get my app approved and included in the App Store. Sample..

How to know the UITableview row number


to know the UITableview row number I have a UITableviewcell with UISwitch as accessoryview of each cell. When I change the value of the switch in a cell how can I know in which row the switch is..

What properties can I set via an UIAppearance proxy?


UIImage image forState UIControlState state void setDecrementImage UIImage image forState UIControlState state UISwitch @property nonatomic retain UIColor onTintColor iOS 6.0 @property nonatomic retain UIColor tintColor @property nonatomic..

Change Label of UISWitch


in the cook book.But hard luck . iphone share improve this question There is no UILabel as a subView of the UISwitch. There's a UIImageView and we can change the On Off image by setting the Property OnImage. Note Edit the background tint..

UISwitch setThumbTintColor causing crash (iOS 6 only)?


with UISwitch setThumbTintColor UIColor What else could be the cause if not the switch color iphone ios uicolor uiswitch uiappearance share improve this question I was also doing this tutorial and had the same problem. Not sure why you don't..

How to use a UIButton as a toggle switch


question I believe this post has a better solution http stackoverflow.com questions 2255166 iphone uibutton with uiswitch functionality UIButton has toggling built in. There is a selected property that you can set and change the skins based on..

Creating a UISwitch Programmatically


on or if its off it only shows off. What in the world am I doing wrong Please help Thanks iphone objective c uiview uiswitch share improve this question The compiler is trying to help you out. You're overriding the onoff instance variable in..

iPhone UIButton with UISwitch functionality


the switch states Or as an alternative the other way round an UIButton with UISwitch functionality iphone uibutton uiswitch share improve this question UIButton already supports a switch functionality. Just set a different image in Interface..

Detecting if music is playing?


so that therefore the play pause switch can say 'play' when music is playing and 'pause' if it isn't. iphone music uiswitch share improve this question if MPMusicPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer playbackState MPMusicPlaybackStatePlaying .....

Handling multiple UISwitch controls in a table view without using tag property


out exactly which UISwitch changed its value so I can do something useful with it. objective c iphone cocoa touch uiswitch share improve this question I fixed this by subclassing UISwitch like so @interface NamedUISwitch UISwitch NSString..

Changing the text on a UISwitch


OFF. Can I change the text to YES and NO Would it be hard Or do I just rephrase the question I ask the user iphone uiswitch share improve this question As of iOS 6 you can set @property nonatomic retain UIImage offImage @property nonatomic..

UISwitch in a UITableView cell


mySwitch UISwitch alloc init autorelease cell.accessoryView mySwitch iphone objective c cocoa touch uitableview uiswitch share improve this question Setting it as the accessoryView is usually the way to go. You can set it up in tableView..

Using NSUserDefaults for storing UISwitch state


state is not restored... What is my mistake in the above code Cheers iSee iphone objective c selectors nsuserdefaults uiswitch share improve this question you can use following code NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults setBool YES forKey @ SyncAtStartup..

UISwitch - change from on/off to yes/no


recommended by Apple anyway My client is insisting on yes no switches. I'd appreciate any advice many thanks iphone uiswitch share improve this question You need to implement your custom UISwitch for that. Or use one of already implemented check..

How to create a UITableViewCell with a UISwitch and get the data?


OR send some feedback when the status of the switches changes directly Thanks for the help. iphone uitableviewcell uiswitch share improve this question You could just add the UISwitch in your accessory view. That is the easiest way to do it..

How to customize UISwitch button in iphone?


Is it possible Please explain in detail. Thanks in Advance Rajkanth iphone text customization background color uiswitch share improve this question You can not modify UISwitch control unless and until you write your own control But best..

UISwitch customization?


when the state is ON be one background and when the state is OFF another background image iphone ios customization uiswitch share improve this question To change the background color not image all you have to do is below. This changes the off.. master General Also another resource is http www.raywenderlich.com 23424 photoshop for developers creating a custom uiswitch with code at http cdn2.raywenderlich.com wp content uploads 2012 10 CustomSwitchResources.zip share improve this answer..

How to know the UITableview row number


can I know in which row the switch is I need the row number in the switch value changed event. iphone ios uitableview uiswitch share improve this question Tags subclasses or view hierarchy navigation are too much work . Do this in your action..