

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uisegmentedcontrol

How do I use a UISegmentedControl to switch views?


do I use a UISegmentedControl to switch views I'm trying to figure out how to use the different states of a UISegmentedControl to switch views similar.. do I use a UISegmentedControl to switch views I'm trying to figure out how to use the different states of a UISegmentedControl to switch views similar to how Apple does it in the App Store when switiching between 'Top Paid' and 'Top Free'. iphone.. just to demonstrate how you can use the UISegmentControl to toggle the visible view IBAction segmentSwitch id sender UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl sender NSInteger selectedSegment segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex if selectedSegment..

UISegmentedControl Best Practice


Best Practice I'm trying to work out the best way to use a UISegmentedControl for an iPhone application. I've read a few.. Best Practice I'm trying to work out the best way to use a UISegmentedControl for an iPhone application. I've read a few posts here on stackoverflow and seen a few people's ideas but I can't quite sort..

UISearchBar clear background color or set background image [iphone sdk]


NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview.alpha 0.0 if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISegmentedControl subview.alpha 0.0 return self UIImage bgImagePortrait static UIImage image nil if image nil image UIImage imageNamed.. NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview.alpha 0.0 if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISegmentedControl subview.alpha 0.0 CGContextTranslateCTM contenxt 0 image.size.height CGContextScaleCTM contenxt 1.0 1.0 CGContextDrawImage..

UISegmentedControl selected segment color


selected segment color Is there any way to customize color of selected segment in UISegmentedControl I've found segmentedController.tintColor.. selected segment color Is there any way to customize color of selected segment in UISegmentedControl I've found segmentedController.tintColor property which lets me customize color of the whole segmented control. The problem..

How to tint UIBarButtonItem background color?


of the UINavigationBar. In case the link goes down in the future the gist of it is that you create a tinted UISegmentedControl with UISegmentedControlStyleBar with one segment then create a UIBarButtonItem using that as its custom view. In iOS 5 UIBarButtonItem.. In case the link goes down in the future the gist of it is that you create a tinted UISegmentedControl with UISegmentedControlStyleBar with one segment then create a UIBarButtonItem using that as its custom view. In iOS 5 UIBarButtonItem has a tintColor..

How can I set a button background color on iPhone?


from the UIKit and I couldn't get the undocumented UIGlassButton to work. I've solved this with a single segment UISegmentedControl which allows you to set the tintColor UISegmentedControl btn UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems NSArray arrayWithObject.. UIGlassButton to work. I've solved this with a single segment UISegmentedControl which allows you to set the tintColor UISegmentedControl btn UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems NSArray arrayWithObject name btn.momentary YES btn.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar.. I've solved this with a single segment UISegmentedControl which allows you to set the tintColor UISegmentedControl btn UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems NSArray arrayWithObject name btn.momentary YES btn.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar..

How to customize UISwitch button in iphone?


But best way so far you can used UISegmentControl and handle event on it to switch the on.png and off.png images. UISegmentedControl switchView UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems NSMutableArray alloc initWithObjects @ On @ Off nil autorelease switchView.. used UISegmentControl and handle event on it to switch the on.png and off.png images. UISegmentedControl switchView UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems NSMutableArray alloc initWithObjects @ On @ Off nil autorelease switchView setFrame CGRectMake 20 365.. switchView setFrame CGRectMake 20 365 140 28 switchView.selectedSegmentIndex 0 switchView.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar switchView setImage UIImage imageNamed @ onSelected.png forSegmentAtIndex 0 switchView setImage UIImage imageNamed..

Custom font in a storyboard?


that you've added the font to the project by following this tutorial . Also remember that UINavigationBar UITabBar and UISegmentedControl custom font can be specified by using the setTitleTextAttributes method of the UIAppearance proxy . Add the categories below..

What properties can I set via an UIAppearance proxy?


barMetrics UIImage backgroundImageForBarPosition UIBarPosition barPosition barMetrics UIBarMetrics barMetrics UISegmentedControl @property nonatomic retain UIColor tintColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR void setBackgroundImage UIImage backgroundImage forState.. attributes forState UIControlState state void setContentPositionAdjustment UIOffset adjustment forSegmentType UISegmentedControlSegment leftCenterRightOrAlone barMetrics UIBarMetrics barMetrics UISlider @property nonatomic retain UIColor minimumTrackTintColor..

How do I use a UISegmentedControl to switch views?


to how Apple does it in the App Store when switiching between 'Top Paid' and 'Top Free'. iphone cocoa touch uiview uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question The simplest approach is to have two views that you can toggle their visibility to indicate..

Customizing Left & Right UISegmentedControl Buttons


appearance setBackgroundImage rightImage forState UIControlStateNormal barMetrics UIBarMetricsDefault iphone ios ios5 uisegmentedcontrol uiappearance share improve this question You need to provide the following images segment background selected this has..

setting background image of UISegmentedControl


button highlighted. How do I disable this highlight Here's a screenshot of my problem iphone objective c ios ipad uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question UISegmentControl has a Divider between two segments. By using the following code you can..

Custom UISegmentedControl


so i have a UISegmentedControl with my own images as active inactive background iphone objective c cocoa touch uikit uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question I had to add this extra code in addition to having 2 different states for the on and off..

UISegmentedControl register taps on selected segment


selected segment isn't actually changing . Is there a solution for this And if so what is it Thanks in advance iphone uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question You can subclass UISegmentedControl and then override setSelectedSegmentIndex void setSelectedSegmentIndex..

UISegmentedControl Best Practice


the best way to do this. The posts I'm referring to are http stackoverflow.com questions 1559794 changing views from uisegmentedcontrol and http stackoverflow.com questions 1047114 how do i use a uisegmentedcontrol to switch views It would seem that the options.. questions 1559794 changing views from uisegmentedcontrol and http stackoverflow.com questions 1047114 how do i use a uisegmentedcontrol to switch views It would seem that the options are Add each of the views in IB and lay them out on top of each other then.. approaches Which is the easiest to implement Could you share some sample code to the approach Thanks iphone subview uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question I'd go with the second option you mention creating the subviews in IB and swapping them..

UISegmentedControl - altering height in Interface Builder


UISegmentedControl selected segment color


would be some separate property for selected segment color but I cannot find it. Did anyone solve this iphone colors uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question I found A Simple Way to Add Color for Selected Segment in UISegmentcontrol sender is UISegmentControl..

Change font size of UISegmentedControl


Can anyone please tell me how can I change the font type and size of UISegmentedControl iphone ios cocoa touch uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question I ran into the same issue. This code sets the font size for the entire segmented control...

How to set image to the UISegmentedControl in iphone?


title segment1 and segment2 it should be replaced with the images i have.Please help me out.Thanks. iphone uiimage uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question It is almost exactly what you had just pass an array of UIImages instead of NSStrings. NSArray..

Using a UISegmentedControl in the footer of UIPopoverController


have Keynote on the iPad you can see the same technique in the footer of the Bookmarks popover in Maps. iphone ipad uisegmentedcontrol uipopovercontroller hig share improve this question What you need is to set the toolbarItems of your top UIViewController..

UISegmentedControl custom background image


in iBooks app with buttons in Navigation Bar. Any link or small help would be appreciated.. objective c cocoa touch uisegmentedcontrol iphone share improve this question This post describes the steps involved and has sample code http idevrecipes.com 2010..

Switch between UIViewControllers using UISegmentedControl


there's even another bug related to the Kal Component. So what's the right way to do it iphone sdk uiviewcontroller uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question The right way to do it is to have the controller handling the UISegmentedControl add the..

UISegmentedControl text with multiple lines?


I make the text in one of the buttons in my UISegmentedControl span multiple lines iphone xcode ios interface builder uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question I did it this way create a multiline UILabel fill the label with N lines of text convert..

UISegmentedControl change event not firing in iOS5


I can do to get segmentChangeAction called on iOS5 when I programmatically change the selection iphone ios ios5 uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question This is a change in iOS 5 in order for UISegmentedControl to be consistent with all other..

UISegmentcontrol appearances causing issues


sorted and colored segments to the control for id view in sortedViews infoSegment addSubview view iphone ios xcode uisegmentedcontrol appearance share improve this question It looks like the code above is only setting appearance for UIControlStateNormal..

How to change UISegmentcontrol font and selected segment colour? [duplicate]


infoSegment setTitleTextAttributes selectedAttributes forState UIControlStateSelected iphone ios xcode uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question You may want to check out this http idevrecipes.com 2010 12 11 custom segmented controls..

How to change font color of UISegmentedControl


color does not changed. What I should do for change text color for UISegmentedControl iphone objective c cocoa touch uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question In iOS 5.0 and above it's very simple NSDictionary attributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys..