

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uisearchbardelegate

UISearchbar clearButton forces the keyboard to appear


came across the same issue and managed to solve it the following way When the searchBar textDidChange method of the UISearchBarDelegate gets called because of the user tapping the 'clear' button the searchBar hasn't become the first responder yet so we can.. YES supposing our viewController class is called SearchViewController @interface SearchViewController UIViewController UISearchBarDelegate all of our ivar declarations go here... BOOL shouldBeginEditing .... ... @end @implementation SearchViewController ... id.. if self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil ... shouldBeginEditing YES ... @end Later on in the UISearchBarDelegate we implement the searchBar textDidChange and searchBarShouldBeginEditing methods void searchBar UISearchBar bar textDidChange..

Dynamically Changing Keyboard Type for a UISearchBar


scope button is selected but be a default keyboard when any other scope button is selected. I have implemented the UISearchBarDelegate selectedScopeButtonIndexDidChange selectedScope method as follows void searchBar UISearchBar searchBar selectedScopeButtonIndexDidChange..

Application run on simulator but not on device in iphone


MainViewController bundle nil self.navigationController pushViewController fc animated YES fc release #pragma mark UISearchBarDelegate Methods void searchBarTextDidBeginEditing UISearchBar searchBar if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector configureSearchDatasourceWithString..

UISearchDisplayContoller ??can't prevent table reload on typing in search bar


controller shouldReloadTableForSearchScope NSInteger searchOption return NO #pragma mark #pragma mark UISearchBarDelegate Methods void searchBarSearchButtonClicked UISearchBar searchBar self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView reloadData..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


much of this is boilerplate code. Relevant bits of the header file @interface BlahViewController UITableViewController UISearchBarDelegate NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate UISearchDisplayDelegate other class ivars required ivars for this example NSFetchedResultsController..

Designing iOS SearchBar


iOS SearchBar I want to have a simple SearchBar in ObjectiveC. Using UISearchBar or UISearchBarDelegate is confusing me. I could have used a UITextField but it does not have the look feel of a search bar. As in the image attached.. iphone objective c ios uiview uisearchbar share improve this question Just make your view controller implement the UISearchBarDelegate . In your xib file all you need to do is to add a UISearchBar to your view and configure it as necessary create an outlet.. and assign the delegate outlet to your view controller. Then to respond to the search bar events implement the UISearchBarDelegate protocol methods as necessary. For example void searchBarSearchButtonClicked UISearchBar searchBar self handleSearch searchBar..

How can I disable/enable UISearchBar keyboard's Search button?


uisearchbardelegate share improve this question You can't disable the search button. What you can do is use the UISearchBarDelegate methods to figure out if you should take action on the search button being clicked like so void searchBarSearchButtonClicked..