

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uirotationgesturerecognizer

How to get a rotated, zoomed and panned image from an UIImageView at its full resolution?


but a solution with UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill is also fine. This is my code void rotatePiece UIRotationGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer if gestureRecognizer state UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan gestureRecognizer state UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged.. its nib. appDelegate AppDelegate UIApplication sharedApplication delegate faceImageView.image appDelegate.faceImage UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotationGesture UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector rotatePiece faceImageView addGestureRecognizer.. sharedApplication delegate faceImageView.image appDelegate.faceImage UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotationGesture UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector rotatePiece faceImageView addGestureRecognizer rotationGesture rotationGesture..

UIImageView Gestures (Zoom, Rotate) Question


self action @selector handlePinchGesture foo addGestureRecognizer pinchGesture pinchGesture release rotate gesture UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotateGesture UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector handleRotateGesture foo addGestureRecognizer.. foo addGestureRecognizer pinchGesture pinchGesture release rotate gesture UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotateGesture UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector handleRotateGesture foo addGestureRecognizer rotateGesture rotateGesture release.. lastScaleFactor factor handle rotate gesture IBAction handleRotateGesture UIGestureRecognizer sender CGFloat rotation UIRotationGestureRecognizer sender rotation CGAffineTransform transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation rotation netRotation sender.view.transform transform..

Rotate the image corresponding to the touch drag in iPhone


uiimageview core animation uitouch share improve this question If you're targeting iOS 3.2 or greater you can use UIRotationGestureRecognizer . The code would look something like this In your setup method viewDidLoad or init etc UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotationGesture.. use UIRotationGestureRecognizer . The code would look something like this In your setup method viewDidLoad or init etc UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotationGesture UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector handleRotate rotationGesture.delegate.. look something like this In your setup method viewDidLoad or init etc UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotationGesture UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector handleRotate rotationGesture.delegate self myImageView addGestureRecognizer..

How to detect circular gesture via Gesture Recognizer?


like a circular slider or a two touch gesture like grabbing and turning a real world knob If the latter take a look at UIRotationGestureRecognizer . If the former you're pretty much on your own. You can certainly implement your solution as your own custom gesture recognizer..

rotating a view on touch


that you want to rotate and than add a selector method and implement it like this. Add this to you viewDidLoad method UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotate UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector rotation myUIViewObject addGestureRecognizer.. a selector method and implement it like this. Add this to you viewDidLoad method UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotate UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector rotation myUIViewObject addGestureRecognizer rotate rotate release And then implement..

Draw Line with gesture


scale pinchRecognizer setDelegate self holderView addGestureRecognizer pinchRecognizer pinchRecognizer release UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotationRecognizer UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector rotate rotationRecognizer setDelegate.. holderView addGestureRecognizer pinchRecognizer pinchRecognizer release UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotationRecognizer UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector rotate rotationRecognizer setDelegate self holderView addGestureRecognizer rotationRecognizer..

iOS Pinch Scale and Two Finger Rotate at same time


alloc initWithTarget self action @selector pinch self.canvas addGestureRecognizer pinch pinch.delegate self UIRotationGestureRecognizer twoFingersRotate UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector pinchRotate self canvas addGestureRecognizer.. pinch self.canvas addGestureRecognizer pinch pinch.delegate self UIRotationGestureRecognizer twoFingersRotate UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector pinchRotate self canvas addGestureRecognizer twoFingersRotate twoFingersRotate.delegate.. UIGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer return YES void pinchRotate UIRotationGestureRecognizer rotate SMImage selectedImage DataCenter sharedDataCenter .selectedImage switch rotate.state case UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan..