

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uiscrollview's

Paging UIScrollView in increments smaller than frame size


with an icon in the exact center. If the icons were the width of the screen this wouldn't be a problem because the UIScrollView's paging would take care of it. But because my little icons are much less than the content size it doesn't work. I've seen..

Zoom UILabel & Re-render font at correct size


clears up to render well at your current zoom scale iphone uiscrollview uilabel share improve this question The UIScrollView's built in scaling only applies a transform to your content view which results in blurriness at anything above a scale factor..

Connect two UIScrollView's together


two UIScrollView's together Here's a tricky iPhone problem I've been working on. I have three UIScrollViews on a page one that only scrolls..

What iPhone OS APIs could I use to implement a transition animation similar to the iBook page flip transition?


Redrawing UIScrollView contents after every zoom


to Identity so that it wouldn't try to resize it further. However with iOS 3.2 changing the identity also changes the UIScrollView's zoomScale property. The result is that whenever I zoom say 2x I adjust the embedded UIView to be the appropriate size and..

How to steal touches from UIScrollView?


and later send them to the subview if they weren't of interest to the scroll view. However this isn't true anymore. UIScrollView's default implementation of hitTest withEvent actually returns the subview that should receive the touch. Instead it uses..

How programatically move a UIScrollView to focus in a control above keyboard?


share improve this question Here's what worked for me. Having an instance variable that holds the value of the UIScrollView's offset before the view is adjusted for the keyboard so you can restore the previous state after the UITextField returns..

how to implement my own zooming but still have access to the UIScrollView's scrolling?


to implement my own zooming but still have access to the UIScrollView's scrolling I would like to use the scrolling panning functionality of the UIScrollView but I would like to handle all the..

CADisplayLink OpenGL rendering breaks UIScrollView behaviour


this question It's possible that slow updates on the main thread triggered by the CADisplayLink are what's breaking UIScrollView's scrolling behavior here. Your OpenGL ES rendering might be taking long enough for each frame to throw off the timing of..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


for 150ms and then move it in vertical direction nested UIScrollView works as expected then This means you cannot use UIScrollView's code for event handling you have to override all four touch handling methods in RemorsefulScrollView and do your own processing..

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView


UIScrollView sample code there . Of course if you can't get it to work there's always an option of either controlling UIScrollView's movement manually or use an entirely custom written scroll view. There's TTScrollView class in Three20 library it does not..

How do I enable directional lock for a UIScrollView?


vertically. How do I enable directional locking iphone uiscrollview share improve this question First set the UIScrollView's contentSize to have a width that is equal to or less than the width of the UIScrollView's frame. Next set UIScrollView's.. question First set the UIScrollView's contentSize to have a width that is equal to or less than the width of the UIScrollView's frame. Next set UIScrollView's alwaysBounceHorizontal to NO. This will prevent the scroll view from rubber banding even.. contentSize to have a width that is equal to or less than the width of the UIScrollView's frame. Next set UIScrollView's alwaysBounceHorizontal to NO. This will prevent the scroll view from rubber banding even though you've told it there's no..

Getting the visible rect of an UIScrollView's content


the visible rect of an UIScrollView's content How can I go about finding out the rect CGRect of the content of a displayed view that is actually visible on screen...

Fade in/out UIScrollView's content like Mobile Safari does in its tab


in out UIScrollView's content like Mobile Safari does in its tab NOTE I added my new solution at the UPDATE answer below. I try to recreate the.. came up with another way to update alpha value of each page. When creating content view I use KVO to addObserver with UIScrollView's contentOffset self.scrollView addObserver self.contentViews objectAtIndex i forKeyPath @ contentOffset options NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew..

UIScrollView touches vs subview touches


going wrong k. iphone objective c cocoa touch uiscrollview share improve this question Prior to iPhone OS 3.0 the UIScrollView's hitTest withEvent method always returns self so that it receives the UIEvent directly only forwarding it to the appropriate..

UIScrollView scroll to bottom programmatically


in a more generic way to any point of a subview iphone uiscrollview share improve this question You can use the UIScrollView's setContentOffset animated function to scroll to any part of the content view. Here's some code that would scroll to the..

UIScrollView image/photo viewer with paging enabled and zooming


to it which isn't what you get when trying this with a standard UIScrollView. I've seen discussion about nesting the UIScrollView's but I really don't want to go there. Has anybody managed this with the standard UIScrollView and works in the 2.2 and 3.0..