

php Programming Glossary: ms

Create Word Document using PHP in Linux


to create word document in linux environment php linux ms word document share improve this question Add header and.. as you usually do. header Content type application vnd.ms word header Content Disposition attachment Filename document_name.doc..

How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode?


ajaxQuote var theQuote jQuery.ajax type 'POST' url ajaxParams.themeURI 'js ajax load quote.php' supplying the file path to.. ajax loaded php as a _POST variable data file_path ajaxParams.filePath beforeSend function ajaxLoadingScreen true '#randomquotes'.. div class ajax loading screen appended img src ' ajaxParams.themeURI 'images ajax loader.gif alt Loading ... width 16 height..

Performance of static methods vs. functions


doTest i echo Static Time microtime true starttime ms n bench object method starttime microtime true for i 0 i 10.. someObj doTest i echo Object Time microtime true starttime ms n bench function starttime microtime true for i 0 i 10 1000.. i echo Function Time microtime true starttime ms n outputs Static Time 0.640204906464 ms Object Time 0.48961687088..

Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP


will read it as an HTML file not a native .doc file. php ms word read write share improve this question Reading binary..

Convert .doc to html in php


a couple hours now and have only found ones that require msword on the server in order to convert the file. I am pretty.. as html much like googles view as html feature. php html ms word share improve this question intall and use abiword..

Simple “Long Polling” example code?


to show error handling in the coming Javascript example msgsrv.php php if rand 1 3 1 Fake an error header HTTP 1.0 404.. them locally Then in Javascript you request the above file msg_srv.php and wait for a response. When you get one you act upon.. the page is loaded it sends the initial request for the msgsrv.php file.. If it succeeds we append the message to the #messages..

Many hash iterations: append salt every time?


support of hashing multiple times. A hash that takes 500 ms to generate is not too slow for your server considering that.. on hashing A paper on Oracle's Password Hashing Algorithms And a few more links PBKDF2 on WikiPedia PBKDF2 Standard A email..

Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP


xml' case 'doc' case 'docx' return 'application msword' case 'xls' case 'xlt' case 'xlm' case 'xld' case 'xla'.. case 'xlc' case 'xlw' case 'xll' return 'application vnd.ms excel' case 'ppt' case 'pps' return 'application vnd.ms powerpoint'.. excel' case 'ppt' case 'pps' return 'application vnd.ms powerpoint' case 'rtf' return 'application rtf' case 'pdf' return..

PHP to clean-up pasted Microsoft input


input I have a site where users can post stuff as in forums comments etc using a customised implementation of TinyMCE. A.. to find one MS conversion filter to rule them all. php ms word tinymce user input share improve this question HTML..

Simplest way to detect a mobile device


60 2 7 i qtek r380 r600 raks rim9 ro ve zo s55 sa ge ma mm ms ny va sc 01 h oo p sdk se c 0 1 47 mc nd ri sgh shar sie m sk..

Cross platform (php to C# .NET) encryption/decryption with Rijndael


256 rj.BlockSize 256 rj.Key Key rj.IV IV MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream message using CryptoStream cs new CryptoStream.. message using CryptoStream cs new CryptoStream ms rj.CreateDecryptor Key IV CryptoStreamMode.Read using StreamReader.. share improve this question Here I can see problems on both sides. Please keep in mind that what you get when encoding..

Tracking the script execution time in PHP


share improve this question On unixoid systems you can use getrusage like Script start rustart getrusage Code.. echo This process used . rutime ru rustart utime . ms for its computations n echo It spent . rutime ru rustart stime.. computations n echo It spent . rutime ru rustart stime . ms in system calls n Note that you don't need to calculate a difference..

how to ping a server port with php?


return down tA microtime true return round tA tB 1000 0 . ms Echoing it will display the ping if the host is up if not it'll.. I think the answer to this question pretty much sums up the problem with your question. If what you want to do is.. but others as well do not behave in this manner and datagrams will not be acknowledged unless the overlayed Application Layer..

PHP PDO and MySQLi [duplicate]


allows you to use the same code to connect to MySQL Oracle MS SQL Server and a number of other databases without needing to..

Secure random number generation in PHP


hash mt_rand is a poor source. On most Unix Linux and or MS Windows platforms you can get a better grade of pseudorandom.. 'rb' if fp FALSE pr_bits . @fread fp 16 @fclose fp MS Windows platform if @class_exists 'COM' http msdn.microsoft.com..

How to replace Microsoft-encoded quotes in PHP


' ' return str_replace search replace string I don't have MS word on this computer so I can't test by myself I don't remember..

PHP PDO vs normal mysql_connect


DB without using mysql_query for mysql mssql_query for MS sql etc. Just use something like db query INSERT INTO... always...

PHP and Microsoft Access database - Connection and CRUD


about that rs line but if you want to connect CRUD to a MS Access database using PHP PDO is available for you. This PDO.. String to the PDO new instance. So you can connect to MS Access MySQL SQLite Oracle Informix DB2 etc. All you need is..

Dynamic Table Generation


language and then storing that in a DB usually as XML. MS SQL server Oracle and DB2 support storage and query of XML data...

Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP


Writing a MS Word file in PHP Is it possible to read and write Word 2003.. with XML files included. There are a lot of resources on MSDN regarding the OpenXML file format so you should be able to..

sending mail with php & escaping hotmails junk folder


as per changelog's suggestion i have tried adding the MS headers to the PEAR mail class and i have tried replacing PEAR..

How to generate an Excel document with multiple worksheets from PHP?


with multiple worksheets from PHP I want to generate an MS Excel file from PHP. I know one can do something like this header..

Escaping MySQL wild cards


party time you can also have fun trying to account for MS SQL Server and Sybase where the character is also incorrectly..

PHP to clean-up pasted Microsoft input


their input often comes with a plethora of associated MS inline formatting. I can't just get rid of span whatever as.. recently that a series of brute force regexes looking for MS specific patterns might do the trick but I don't want to re.. stuff to do this now but I'd really just like to find one MS conversion filter to rule them all. php ms word tinymce user..

Bulletin board - Database optimisation


is commonly known . It is not ANSI SQL it is an Oracle and MS extension. However it is not required if you understand Subqueries..

How can I convert a docx document to html using php?


document to html using php I want to be able to upload an MS word document and export it a page in my site. Is there any..

Best way to access Exchange using PHP?


way to access Exchange using PHP I'm writing a CMS application in PHP and one of the requirements is that it must.. thing here though is that it has linked to this important MS article . I have been unaware of the issues until now on using..

Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms


they can't simply stop doing content sniffing you idiots MS instead of burdening us with shonky non standard extensions..

Reading a Git repository, without Git


Guide to the Zend Engine Creating a PHP5 Extension with MS VC 2005 Writing a PHP Extension C Also these would seem relevant..

How to get mssql work with PHP 5.3?


Quoting http php.net manual en intro.mssql.php The MSSQL extension is not available anymore on Windows with PHP 5.3.. with PHP 5.3 or later. SQLSRV an alternative driver for MS SQL is available from Microsoft » http msdn.microsoft.com en..