

php Programming Glossary: moved

How foreach actually works


safe against modification i.e. if the current Bucket is removed then the internal array pointer will be updated to point to.. pointer is set to the next bucket if the current one is removed rather than the previous one as you would expect . It's done.. by ref case you can see that the internal array pointer is moved but it will still not change the iteration behavior. The reason..

How to set proper codeigniter base url?


codeigniter app's address has to be someurl.com mysite I moved it there and everytime I'm trying to run some function example..

php $_POST array empty upon form submission


works perfectly on my dev box Ubuntu PHP5 MySQL5 . I just moved it up to the production box for my client and now all form submissions..

Upload and POST file to PHP page


uploadfile echo File is valid and was successfully moved. n else print_r _FILES else echo File is not valid n else..

PHP-font-lib must either be installed via composer or copied to lib/php-font-lib


Thanks php dompdf share improve this question Dompdf moved recently to Github and we also added Composer support. For this.. Github and we also added Composer support. For this we removed the reference to the required external library php font lib..

How to enable cURL in PHP / XAMPP


the Apache service. NB In newer XAMPP versions PHP has moved to root xampp folder xampp php php.ini . share improve this..

Laravel 3 : Looking for explanation how to use the model


now . I've started coding exclusively in the routes and I moved to the controller. I'm however doing all of my database operations..

How do I get current page full URL in PHP on a Windows/IIS server


current page full URL in PHP on a Windows IIS server I moved a WordPress installation to a new folder on a Windows IIS server...

Reverse Geocoding With Google Map API And PHP To Get Nearest Location Using Lat,Long coordinates


listener it does the geocode each time the end point is moved. EDIT Ok. You are doing this stuff server side. This means you..

How do I get the current time zone of MySQL?


that set a different timezone. The database may have been moved from one server to another where the servers were in different.. I ran into that when I inherited a database that had moved from Texas to California . But even if the data is written on..

mssql_connect in PHP does not exist


looked into it already I've done about everything I can. I moved the php.ini file to c windows In the ini I changed the extension_dir.. to c PHP ext and uncommented extension php_mssql.dll I moved the dll file to c windows system32 I downloaded the

Allow users to download files outside webroot


for specific records. Once the the uploaded files are moved to the uploads folder the address of the attachment is stored..

Dirt-simple PHP templates… can this work without `eval`?


being used in this way most of the time so good practice moved away from that to using it more as a traditional language and..

Can't execute PHP script using PHP exec


matters I did chmod the called script to 755... Update I moved the exec call to the end of the calling script and at least..

How do I enable error reporting in PHP? [duplicate]


useful error messages in PHP 14 answers I recently moved my site from a shared server to my own server. Now when I have..



in a wordpress install suddenly stopped working when we moved to php 5.2.6 ... eventually tracked it down to the FOUND_ROWS..

Nested array. Third level is disappearing


in order to access any parent even it has already moved # transform flat into a tree foreach flat as id value # check..

Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input


additionalOptions The additional options will be moved from the product to the quote item automatically. With this.. and building the additional options array should be moved into a separate function to avoid code duplication but for this..

URL Shortening Site


to the MYID received in GET header 'HTTP 1.x 301 Moved Permanently' header 'Location ' . urlFull die edit If by mod_rewrite..

How to show different homepage based on the user's Country?


' header sprintf 'Location s' newUrl printf ' a href s Moved. a ' newUrl exit Take care that search engine robots from India..

Get mime type of external file using cURL and php


8859 1 curl curl I http www.google.com output HTTP 1.1 301 Moved Permanently Location http www.google.com Content Type text html..

What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page?


is cacheable unless indicated otherwise. 10.3.2 301 Moved Permanently The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent..

How can I use in .htaccess?


FROM games WHERE id ' _GET 'id' ' Header HTTP 1.1 301 Moved Permanently Header Location game . game 'id' . .seo_title game.. FROM games WHERE id s _GET 'id' if row Header HTTP 1.1 301 Moved Permanently Header Location game . row 'id' . .seo_title row..

Force SSL/https using .htaccess and mod_rewrite [duplicate]


_SERVER 'HTTPS' 'on' if headers_sent header Status 301 Moved Permanently header sprintf 'Location https s s' _SERVER 'HTTP_HOST'..

PHP cURL: Get target of redirect, without following it


HTML PUBLIC IETF DTD HTML 2.0 EN html head title 301 Moved Permanently title head body h1 Moved Permanently h1 p The document.. html head title 301 Moved Permanently title head body h1 Moved Permanently h1 p The document has moved a href http www.xxx.yyy..

Terminology question on “dereferencing”?


Improved Improved Zend Engine memory usage and performance Moved ext sqlite moved to pecl sqlite3 support is still built in 1...

Simple PHP editor of text files


again header sprintf 'Location s' url printf ' a href s Moved a .' htmlspecialchars url exit read the textfile text file_get_contents..