

php Programming Glossary: movies

Insert array into MySQL database with PHP


'interests' info 0 'interests' 'locale' info 0 'locale' 'movies' movies 'music' music 'political' info 0 'political' 'relationship_status'.. info 0 'interests' 'locale' info 0 'locale' 'movies' movies 'music' music 'political' info 0 'political' 'relationship_status'..

Read through huge text files and store each line in database


public static function updateMovies list offset 15 movies.list start with movie names at line 16 handle fopen list r or.. this value to 300 just to try if it works. For example my 'movies.list' file is around 80MB and using this script for 300 seconds.. This doesn't work because I have not even reached the movies starting with 'B'. I know I can set the MAX_EXECUTION_TIME to..

Format output of $SimpleXML->asXML();


examples xmlstr XML xml version '1.0' standalone 'yes' movies movies XML sxe new SimpleXMLElement xmlstr sxe addAttribute.. xmlstr XML xml version '1.0' standalone 'yes' movies movies XML sxe new SimpleXMLElement xmlstr sxe addAttribute 'type'.. a long string like so xml version 1.0 standalone yes movies type documentary movie title PHP2 More Parser Stories title..

Saving form data to an existing XML-file using PHP


do NOTE I'm stil new to PHP I have a registration form for movies series etc. The data from the filled form is then registered.. in the same XML file data.xml . I display all registered movies in a HTML table through a while loop which now collects the..

li not displaying inline [closed]


not displaying inline closed I am displaying a list of movies from a database they are supposed to be displaying inline but..

Mysql can't perform more than 1 query at a time


more than 1 query at a time When I do q 'insert into movies values lion king select from movies ' result db query q echo.. I do q 'insert into movies values lion king select from movies ' result db query q echo mysqli_num_rows result it says that.. share improve this question db query 'insert into movies values lion king ' db query 'select from movies ' share improve..

Code obfuscator for php? [closed]


code. None. If your computer can run it or in the case of movies and music if it can play it the user can get at it. Even compiling..

My web host is adding ?PHPSESSID=fgh2h45… to the end of the URL


id to the end of every URL requested like this website.com movies details PHPSESSID 4s54kjhdl... I think this is causing problems..

System for keeping track of user favorites


track of user favorites On my website I have a table movies and a table users I'm trying to have an Add to favs button that.. REFERENCES users user_id FOREIGN KEY movie_id REFERENCES movies movie_id This is called an intersection table or join table.. table as it joins rows in the users table to rows in the movies table as you see each column is a foreign key . It is also defines..

read cdata from a rss feed


file_get_contents 'http www.forbes.com news index.xml' movies new SimpleXMLElement homepage echo ' pre ' print_r movies and.. movies new SimpleXMLElement homepage echo ' pre ' print_r movies and the output like this SimpleXMLElement Object @attributes.. normal texts homepage 'http www.forbes.com news index.xml' movies simplexml_load_file homepage SimpleXMLElement LIBXML_NOCDATA..