

php Programming Glossary: msgno

Is there an error in PHP's imap_fetch_overview()-function when reading headers with brackets?


table foreach result as overview echo tr . td . overview msgno. td . td . overview uid. td . td . overview date. td . td ... 23 0200 message_id string 58 size int 1585 uid int 18 msgno int 17 recent int 1 flagged int 0 answered int 0 deleted int..

How can I save email attachments to the server in PHP?


as message msgStruct imap_fetchstructure mbox message msgno if it has parts there are attachments that need reading if msgStruct.. where I'm stuck. I can use imap_fetchbody mbox message msgno key 1 but that gets me a bunch of data like this 9j 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD..

PHP Displaying unread mail count


through the messages count imap_num_msg connection for msgno 1 msgno count msgno headers imap_headerinfo connection msgno.. the messages count imap_num_msg connection for msgno 1 msgno count msgno headers imap_headerinfo connection msgno if headers.. count imap_num_msg connection for msgno 1 msgno count msgno headers imap_headerinfo connection msgno if headers Unseen 'U'..