

php Programming Glossary: msgs

MySQL ORDER BY total rows of user in another table


table SELECT FROM messages WHERE user 'A' User B sent 17 msgs User C sent 19 User D sent 13 and so on. I want to a query that.. Users in order of their total messages sent. Like 1. A 20 msgs 2. C 19 msgs 3. B 17 msgs 4. D 13 msgs I tried hard but I can't.. of their total messages sent. Like 1. A 20 msgs 2. C 19 msgs 3. B 17 msgs 4. D 13 msgs I tried hard but I can't find any..

Problem with CURL (Multi)


while multiInfo curl_multi_info_read this multiHandle msgs this _showData multiInfo curl_multi_remove_handle this multiHandle..

php claims my defined variable is undefined


I did wrong php test for damn undefined variable error msgs function add_msg msg msgs . div msg div function print_msgs.. damn undefined variable error msgs function add_msg msg msgs . div msg div function print_msgs print msgs add_msg test add_msg.. function add_msg msg msgs . div msg div function print_msgs print msgs add_msg test add_msg test2 print_msgs This gives..

Print hierachical data in a parent child form unordered list php?


d 1 xml new DomDocument xpath new DOMXpath xml msgs xml createElement messages xml appendChild msgs loop and build.. xml msgs xml createElement messages xml appendChild msgs loop and build the DOM while row result fetch_assoc msg xml.. val msg setAttribute col val if is_null row parent_msg_id msgs appendChild msg else qry sprintf @msg_id ' d' row parent_msg_id..