

php Programming Glossary: mssql_query

Optimizing WebSQL Local Database Population


WHERE Company_No . Company . and User_No ' . User . ' rs mssql_query sql if rs exit No Data Found while row mssql_fetch_array rs..

PHP PDO vs normal mysql_connect


can use multiple DB without using mysql_query for mysql mssql_query for MS sql etc. Just use something like db query INSERT INTO.....

Using PHP to upload an image and store data in MSSQL


description VALUES ' filePath' ' title' ' description' mssql_query query The form code form name Image enctype multipart form data..

SQL Server Query Slow from PHP, but FAST from SQL Mgt Studio - WHY?


same query in PHP on the same db instace using FreeTDS v8 mssql_query it takes much longer 70 seconds . The tables I'm hitting have..

mssql_connect in PHP does not exist


believe. Also it's worth noting that with sqlsrv_query and mssql_query they switched the parameters around spent half an hour figuring..

MSSQL Query issue in PHP and querying text data


query '2' execute the SQL query and return records result mssql_query query numRows mssql_num_rows result echo h1 . numRows . Row.. this question Couple of options from the comments on the mssql_query manual page SELECT CAST field1 AS TEXT AS field1 FROM table..

How to escape strings in SQL Server using PHP?


data as a hex bytestring i.e. unpacked unpack 'H hex' data mssql_query ' INSERT INTO sometable somecolumn VALUES 0x' . unpacked 'hex'.. unpacked unpack 'H hex' data return '0x' . unpacked 'hex' mssql_query ' INSERT INTO sometable somecolumn VALUES ' . mssql_escape somevalue..