

php Programming Glossary: moz

How to search inside GCIDE XML using PHP


margin bottom 15px width 300px height 30px font size 18px moz border radius 6px webkit border radius 6px #search_results display..

mp4 from PHP - Not playing in HTML5 Video tag


url for .php files it did actually work. Now it plays in moz ie chrome with only php files as sources in the video tag. ..

XmlHTTPRequest: “XML Parsing Error: no element found”


at Firebug XML Parsing Error no element found Location moz nullprincipal 7e9eab45 2f73 476d 9bdb 2370d1534f29 Line Number..

Sanitize user defined CSS in PHP


behavior url hilite.htc dangerous proprietary FF attribute moz binding url 'http virus.com htmlBindings.xml' .banner absolute..

How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE


to write specific CSS for mozilla chrome and IE What would be the CSS conditional statement.. html #dieciocho color red Firefox only. 1 #veinticuatro x moz any link color red Firefox 3.0 #veinticinco x moz any link x.. x moz any link color red Firefox 3.0 #veinticinco x moz any link x default color red Attribute Hacks IE6 #once _color..

Recommendation? for our specific HTML -> PDF project


firefox safari chrome etc. webkit transform rotate 90deg moz transform rotate 90deg for ie filter progid DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage..