

php Programming Glossary: most

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?


Contemporary database APIs are just easier to use. It's mostly the bound parameters which can simplify code. And with excellent.. and so on... Your code will work alike and still mostly look the same include_once pdo_mysql.php pdo_connect localhost.. would have been deprecatedly stripslashes as the innermost call then trim afterwards strip_tags htmlentities for output..

Are PHP short tags acceptable to use?


portable and generally not recommended . In my experience most servers do have short tags enabled. Typing is far more convenient..

Using a regular expression to validate an email address


. a z 2 4 I use this in several PHP programs and it works most of the time. However from time to time I get contacted by someone.. that uses it and I end up having to make some adjustment most recently I realized that I wasn't allowing 4 character TLDs.. you got the address of the person entering it which is why most mailing lists now use that mechanism to confirm sign ups. After..

UTF-8 all the way through


normal PHP string operations like concatenation but for most things you should use the equivalent mbstring function. To know..

How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?


StackOverflow so if you choose to use it you can be sure most of the issues you run into can be solved by searching browsing.. you will find on the web to match markup are brittle. In most cases they are only working for a very particular piece of HTML...

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


already expensive key schedule. Average practices I almost can't imagine this situation anymore. PHPASS supports PHP 3.0.18.. supports PHP 3.0.18 through 5.3 so it is usable on almost every installation imaginable ”and should be used if you don't.. abstracts away any pains of working with bcrypt. While most of us are stuck with PHP 5.2 and 5.3 in most common environments..

PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index”


over and over again. I feel this is necessary because most real world answers on this issue are very specific. Related..

How should a model be structured in MVC?


answer was written when I begun to learn otherwise because most of frameworks perpetuate this misconception. Neither is it an.. of database tables. Anyone who tells you otherwise is most likely trying to 'sell' another brand new ORM or a whole framework... all the domain business logic and the Model Layer is mostly made from three types of structures Domain Objects A domain..

How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in PHP?


alpha numeric a backslash or a whitespace character. The most used are generally ~ and # . You can also use matching brackets.. PCRE supports modifiers for various things. One of the most used is the case insensitive modifier i the alternative to eregi..

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?


above is only an approximation. I still believe that for most purposes that's fine since the usage of a range is more to provide.. time into account. That means that it's off by an hour at most but except for that it should be correct. php Calculate differences..

Headers already sent by PHP


the UTF 8 BOM Byte Order Mark which isn't displayed by most text editors. It's the byte sequence EF BB BF which is optional..

How to properly set up a PDO connection


to time I see questions regarding connecting to database. Most answers is not the way I do it or I might just not get the answers..

Is there a PDF parser for PHP? [closed]


hellish documents. The reason is how it writes the text. Most DOM based renderers that I've used write the entire line as..

When do I use the PHP constant “PHP_EOL”?


of PHP. Does this handle DOS Mac Unix endline issues Most of the PHP I write is for generating HTML and I use br instead..

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?


trim strip_tags htmlentities pdo_real_escape_string str Most glaring bug here is the lack of documentation. More significantly..

Loading .sql files from within PHP


to use SQL like the LOAD DATA query mentioned previously. Most shared hosts also don't allow you to use shell_exec. Now to..

Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error


So there was a problem with creating an stmt object. Most likely it's a problem with the query. So we need to track that..

Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP


is an O n log n comparison based sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort which means that the implementation..

Are PHP short tags acceptable to use?


eg php or I don't buy readability as a reason at all. Most serious developers have the option of syntax highlighting available..

PHP How to find the time elapsed since a date time?


php date time timestamp share improve this question Most of the answers seem focused around converting the date from..

Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate]


general using Regular Expressions on HTML is discouraged. Most of the snippets you will find on the web to match markup are..

What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP?


benchmarks page has a single vs double quote comparison. Most of the comparisons are the same. There is one comparison where..

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?


Simple and elegant database design just 4 DB tables Most features are optional and easily configured Language file support.. interface is messy FreakAuth Light Pros Very full featured Mostly quite well documented code Separation of user and profile..

How to transliterate accented characters into plain ASCII characters? [duplicate]


and included with many PHP distributions by default. Most of all it's definitely easier and more error proof than trying..

How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?


general using Regular Expressions on HTML is discouraged. Most of the snippets you will find on the web to match markup are..

How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate]


general using Regular Expressions on HTML is discouraged. Most of the snippets you will find on the web to match markup are..

How do I convert a PDF document to a preview image in PHP?


to render a portion of a PDF document to an image file Most PHP PDF libraries that I have found center around creating PDF..

Compiling an AST back to source code


prettyprinted line is filled past that column. Comments Most standard parsers including the one you implemented using the..

Headers already sent by PHP


also invisible character sequences which can cause this. Most famously the UTF 8 BOM Byte Order Mark which isn't displayed.. even if faux XHTML when printed outside the head part. Most browsers still accept it. As alternative a Javascript redirect..

To Use a PHP Framework or Not? [closed]


well then you ™ll never worry about the project deadline. Most of these MVC frameworks uses clear url approach making your..