

php Programming Glossary: mongo

Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation


goMongoDB like Query expression object evaluation I've been looking.. expression object evaluation I've been looking for a MongoDb like http docs.mongodb.org manual applications read #find.. advanced features and should have extensible architecture. MongoDB like query expression objects are easy for understanding and..

How to Block 100,000+ Individual IP addresses


htaccess to get the list from database Redis Crunchbase Mongo MySQL or even Sqlite ... any Is there a visible solution to.. htaccess to get the list from database Redis Crunchbase Mongo MySQL or even Sqlite ... any Using a rewrite map you can use..

Storing Data in MySQL as JSON


is a year and a half old and their main reason against Mongo and Couch was immaturity I'd re evaluate these two if MySQL..

MongoDB PHP UTF-8 problems


PHP UTF 8 problems Assume that I need to insert the following.. decode it ... document db collection findOne array _id new MongoId __someID__ title utf8_decode document 'title' Is there some.. this process Can I change the character encoding of MongoDB I'm migrating a MySQL database that's using cp1252 West Europe..

PHP Mongo Error reading from socket


or know how to handle it The line generating the error is mongo new Mongo mongodb user pwd@host db array 'timeout' 6000 I'm.. handle it The line generating the error is mongo new Mongo mongodb user pwd@host db array 'timeout' 6000 I'm also occasionally.. HurstDI extends Pimple public function __construct this 'mongoUser' 'user' this 'mongoPwd' 'pwd' this 'mongoHost' host db ..

Can't connect to MongoDB through PHP


is loaded but when i try to get a connection with mongo new Mongo I get this Fatal error Uncaught exception 'MongoConnectionException'.. Anybody have the same Problem ... Or any Idea on this php mongodb share improve this question Please don't take this the..

MongoDB and CodeIgniter [closed]


Any help is really appreciated. php codeigniter mongodb mongodb php share improve this question I'm not sure if.. Any help is really appreciated. php codeigniter mongodb mongodb php share improve this question I'm not sure if its the.. Here are the relevant code files from my project. config mongo.php config 'mongo_server' null config 'mongo_dbname' 'mydb'..

Mongodb and MAMP


and MAMP I am using MAMP and would like to use mongo with PHP. I am stuck because the version of MAMP I'm using is.. I can find for OSX is for PHP 5.3. Is there any way to get mongo working with PHP using MAMP php osx mongodb mamp share improve.. any way to get mongo working with PHP using MAMP php osx mongodb mamp share improve this question For MAMP 2.1.2 and PHP..