

php Programming Glossary: monitoring

How to check if a php script is still running


solution that works on windows as well. php process queue monitoring share improve this question I had the same issue wanting..

Memcache : Confusions


related to memory slab statistics. If you would like a monitoring report of usage Check out New Relic share improve this answer..

Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability


for 2 percent... Oh and btw before doing anything put some monitoring stuff in place so you know what improvements have been made.. you know what improvements have been made and how Without monitoring you will have no idea of the effect of what you did... Not even..

How to enable DDoS protection?


available for each open service. Have good network monitoring tools in place this can help you understand That you're under.. expensive report. So you need good application level monitoring of what is going on Which services have been invoked and what.. are things you can do at the PHP level Application level monitoring Ensure each service page logs requests in a way that you can..

PHP Script in IFRAME Blocks Other Code


iframe so this script can run asynchronously with other monitoring PHP script. However despite the main script is in iframe when.. and blocks execution of the remaining JavaScript code and monitoring script called multiple times via AJAX. It is important to have.. times via AJAX. It is important to have the short running monitoring PHP script called simultaneously with the long running PHP download..

PHP session doesn't work with IE


question Try testing the page while using some sort of monitoring proxy I use Fiddler and see what pages the browser requests...

asynchronous processing with PHP - one worker per job


be the lowest level option and I would have to implement a monitoring system myself. Apache is the web server so it appears that this..

PHP with APC: Fatal errors: Cannot redeclare class


apc.include_once_override 0 cleared things up. Still monitoring but haven't had a the problem re occur before that I was able..