

php Programming Glossary: mountain

Twitter Bot Suspension [closed]


pool. He's only a bot for entertainment much like @StealthMountain and @DBZNappa . He only tweets 5 times every 5 minutes I believe.. I've lessened that and especially comparing to Stealth Mountain he hasn't gotten any negative feedback. This is the third time..

Easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion)?


PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard 10.7 Lion 10.8 Mountain Lion What is the easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac.. PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard 10.7 Lion 10.8 Mountain Lion I'd prefer to use any bundled versions before resorting..

Installing mcrypt extension for PHP on OSX Mountain Lion


mcrypt extension for PHP on OSX Mountain Lion Apologies in advance for the potential n00b questions.. trying to install the mcrypt extension for PHP on my OSX Mountain Lion machine. The following steps in terminal is what I have..

Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP


8 UTC 8 Pacific Standard Time option option value 7 UTC 7 Mountain Standard Time option option value 6 UTC 6 Central Standard Time.. US Canada option option value America Denver GMT 07 00 Mountain Time US Canada option option value America Chihuahua GMT 07..

Convert this php digital signing to Delphi


x509 nodes days 365 newkey rsa 1024 sha1 subj C US ST CA L Mountain View CN www.mycompany.com keyout myrsakey.pem out c temp myrsacert.pem..

How to get SSL certificate info with CURL in PHP?


Thawte SGC CA Client SSL Cert Subject C US ST California L Mountain View O Google Inc CN www.google.com Client SSL Cipher RC4 SHA..

should $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; return ::1 on a mamp localhost?


returning 1.html Summarizing on Mac OS Mountain Lion in particular sudo vi etc apache2 httpd.conf Find where..

PHP Timezone List


GMT 08 00 Tijuana 'US Arizona' GMT 07 00 Arizona 'US Mountain' GMT 07 00 Mountain Time US amp Canada 'America Chihuahua' GMT.. 'US Arizona' GMT 07 00 Arizona 'US Mountain' GMT 07 00 Mountain Time US amp Canada 'America Chihuahua' GMT 07 00 Chihuahua 'America..

How to check is timezone identifier valid from code?


51 Canada East Saskatchewan 52 Canada Eastern 53 Canada Mountain 54 Canada Newfoundland 55 Canada Pacific 56 Canada Saskatchewan.. 149 US Hawaii 150 US Indiana Starke 151 US Michigan 152 US Mountain 153 US Pacific 154 US Pacific New 155 US Samoa 156 Universal..

Twitter timezone & created_at (utc time) values to calculate what time zone the user is in


null OR created_at Sun Jan 09 05 03 52 0000 2011 time_zone Mountain Time US Canada Both of these times aren't in UTC time and the..

Enabling PostgreSQL support in PHP on Mac OS X


may already have done this Restart Apache. Update for OS X Mountain Lion Apple has removed autoconf from the newer versions of XCode..