

php Programming Glossary: movie

Read through huge text files and store each line in database


public static function updateMovies list offset 15 movies.list start with movie names at line 16 handle fopen list r.. updateMovies list offset 15 movies.list start with movie names at line 16 handle fopen list r or die Couldn't get handle.. this value to 300 just to try if it works. For example my 'movies.list' file is around 80MB and using this script for 300 seconds..

Get Youtube Video ID from html code with PHP


anchor link a p object width 425 height 344 param name movie value http www.youtube.com v Ou5eVl5eqtg hl es_ES fs 1 param.. sit amet... blah p object width 425 height 344 param name movie value http www.youtube.com v Ou5eVl5eqtg hl es_ES fs 1 param..

How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page?


I mean... i have these categories now cosplay game movie series. So I need to create these methods in controller but.. blog cosplay function game example.com blog game function movie example.com blog movie function series example.com blog series.. game example.com blog game function movie example.com blog movie function series example.com blog series Is there any good advice..

Code obfuscator for php? [closed]


code. None. If your computer can run it or in the case of movies and music if it can play it the user can get at it. Even compiling.. users from fixing bugs or making modifications. Music and movie companies haven't quite come to terms with this yet they still..

remove element from xml


to title My xml file is xml version 1.0 gallerylist record movie videos Avatar_HD.flv movie title Title title desc Description.. version 1.0 gallerylist record movie videos Avatar_HD.flv movie title Title title desc Description desc preview videos previews.. imgplaylist category Category category record record movie videos The_Princess_And_The_Frog_HD.flv movie title title desc..

How can I send a ByteArray (from Flash) and some form data to php?


form field with php. Is there a way to force the Flash movie to deliver the image file when one presses the submit button..

Youtube API - Extract video ID


Mtn html string 411 object width 425 height 344 param name movie value http www.youtube.com v NLqAF9hrVbY version 3 param param..

Sending and receiving data from Flash AS3 to PHP


file php echo test 1 done true This should then let your movie trace true . You then should debug your PHP. print_r _POST destroys..

Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions


We should obviously have a webapp with the UI to upload a movie and some fixed number of worker processes to convert the video..

Read through huge text files and store each line in database


on my local MySQL database. public static function updateMovies list offset 15 movies.list start with movie names at line.. ' ' year intval trim substr buffer strpos buffer ' ' 1 4 Movie create title year fclose handle Since those list files are..

PHP MySQL Google Chart JSON - Complete Example


googlechart weekly_task percentage Sleep 30 Watching Movie 10 job 40 Exercise 20 PHP MySQL JSON Google Chart Example php.. data Table Chart weekly_task percentage Sleep 30 Watching Movie 40 work 44 rows array flag is not needed flag true table array.. googlechart weekly_task percentage Sleep 30 Watching Movie 10 job 40 Exercise 20 Your Database Name dbname 'chart' Your..

how to validate multiple input type files with jquery validator plugin


22px margin 2px 4px border 1px solid grey style form name MovieForm id MovieForm action method POST enctype multipart form data.. 2px 4px border 1px solid grey style form name MovieForm id MovieForm action method POST enctype multipart form data table border.. 100 align left cellpadding 5 cellspacing 5 tr td width 25 Movie Name td td width 75 input type text name bizName id movieName..

Non Latin Characters & ouch


controller excerpt.. function index this set 'movies' this Movie find 'all' index.ctp view excerpt php foreach movies as movie.. excerpt php foreach movies as movie tr td php echo movie 'Movie' 'id' td td php echo htmlentities movie 'Movie' 'title' td php.. echo movie 'Movie' 'id' td td php echo htmlentities movie 'Movie' 'title' td php echo this Html link movie 'Movie' 'title' array..