

php Programming Glossary: mpm

Baffled: PHP Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0?


on Wikipedia are in phpinfo . As far as I can tell the MPM is prefork. This is the first I'd ever looked into the MPM #.. MPM is prefork. This is the first I'd ever looked into the MPM # . httpd l Compiled in modules core.c prefork.c http_core.c..

What is thread safe or non thread safe in PHP


for handling requests one of which called the Worker MPM uses Threads. But it supports another concurrency model called.. it supports another concurrency model called the Prefork MPM which uses Processes that is the web server will create dedicate.. if Apache is going to handle concurrency using its Worker MPM that is using Threads then PHP must be able to operate within..

PHP Gettext problems (like non-thread-safe?)


doesn't use threads. You use Apache with either threaded MPM or not and PHP in fastcgi mode You use Apache with non threaded.. and PHP in fastcgi mode You use Apache with non threaded MPM as prefork MPM and PHP in mod php mode. So most people with.. mode You use Apache with non threaded MPM as prefork MPM and PHP in mod php mode. So most people with default Apache..

PHP: What does pcntl_fork() really do?


That's OK as long as Apache is using the prefork MPM i.e. one process per request . But what does happen if Apache.. . But what does happen if Apache is using the worker MPM When the worker MPM is being used every Apache child process.. happen if Apache is using the worker MPM When the worker MPM is being used every Apache child process contains many threads..

Apache permissions, PHP file create, MKDir fail


for every website and using something like Apache2 MPM ITK to change the RUN_USER depending on which website is called...

Using comet with PHP?


on Apache. The suggested solution was to use the 'event' MPM module which changes the way requests are dispatched to worker.. the way requests are dispatched to worker threads. This MPM tries to fix the 'keep alive problem' in HTTP. After a client.. brings its own disadvantages. To solve this problem this MPM uses a dedicated thread to handle both the Listening sockets..

Is PHP thread-safe


UNIX Would it be possible to use it with Apache Worker MPM or Event MPM The facts I gathered so far are inconclusive default.. it be possible to use it with Apache Worker MPM or Event MPM The facts I gathered so far are inconclusive default binaries..

Which is faster, python webpages or php webpages?


using Apache because Apache can only use the Prefork MPM with mod_php rather than multi threaded MPM like Worker . There.. the Prefork MPM with mod_php rather than multi threaded MPM like Worker . There is also the issue of code compilation. As..