

php Programming Glossary: mp4

Upload video to Youtube using Youtube API V3 and PHP


video setStatus status data file_get_contents video.mp4 This file is present in the same directory as the code mediaUpload.. as the code mediaUpload new Google_MediaFileUpload video mp4 data error true i 0 I added this loop because on the sample.. status snippet video array data file_get_contents video.mp4 mimeType video mp4 catch Google_ServiceException e print Caught..

Post large video to youtube via google php client api v3


status snippet video array data videoData mimeType video mp4 Is there any way to post the data in chunks or stream the data.. checkout . if client getAccessToken videoPath path to foo.mp4 snippet new Google_VideoSnippet snippet setTitle Test title2.. 1 1024 1024 media new Google_MediaFileUpload 'video mp4' null true chunkSizeBytes media setFileSize filesize videoPath..

Reading mp4 files with PHP


mp4 files with PHP I'm trying to read mp4 file with PHP and what.. mp4 files with PHP I'm trying to read mp4 file with PHP and what I'm doing now is this php header Content.. is this php header Content Length filesize readfile 'file.mp4' but this way I can't skip or even go back until the video is..

mp4 from PHP - Not playing in HTML5 Video tag


from PHP Not playing in HTML5 Video tag I am using the video.. getvideo_webm.php type 'video webm' source src .. getvideo_mp4.php type 'video mp4' source src .. getvideo_ogv.php type 'video.. 'video webm' source src .. getvideo_mp4.php type 'video mp4' source src .. getvideo_ogv.php type 'video ogg' video All .php..

solution for COMET and PHP


MP4 plays when accessed directly, but not when read through PHP, on iOS


as expected. The relevant PHP code file_name 'test video.mp4' file_size string filesize file_name header 'Content Type video.. string filesize file_name header 'Content Type video mp4' header 'Content Length '. file_size readfile_chunked file_name.. manual en function.readfile.php . In any event test video.mp4 is only ~5 MB which is less than the memory limit and in this..

Prevent Video downloading [duplicate]


site. My site has the option of video uploading in flv or mp4 format. Admin will upload them and users can view the course..

Using php to output an mp4 video


php to output an mp4 video Ok basically I have a project that requires that videos.. php ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL 'path to movie.mp4' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER.. out curl_exec ch curl_close ch header 'Content type video mp4' header 'Content type video mpeg' header 'Content disposition..

Flowplayer Secure Streaming with Apache


h 1 t 2 v 3 RewriteRule ^ F RewriteRule ^ ^ . mov mp4 F Update The purpose of the php file is to 1 get the data hash.. it correlates with the correct file extension i.e. video mp4 if the video is an .mp4 And videos video.php looks like this.. correct file extension i.e. video mp4 if the video is an .mp4 And videos video.php looks like this php session_start hash..