

php Programming Glossary: mozilla

close a connection early


this one out hope it helps someone Tested in IE 7.5730.11 Mozilla Firefox 1.81 Later on in July 2010 in a related answer Arctic..

Javascript equivalent of PHP's list()


Javascript 1.7 . It's probably only supported in Mozilla based browsers and maybe in Rhino. var a 1 var b 3 a b b a EDIT..

Login to remote site with PHP cURL


FALSE curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_USERAGENT Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20070725..

Currency Conversion using PHP


CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_USERAGENT Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 8.0 Windows NT 6.1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT..

Make curl follow redirects?


q . name ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_USERAGENT Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20061204..

How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE


statement you can use to include specific CSS for IE Mozilla Chrome. If IE #container top 5px If Mozilla #container top 7px.. CSS for IE Mozilla Chrome. If IE #container top 5px If Mozilla #container top 7px If Chrome #container top 9px What would be..

Detect exact OS version from browser


the exact OS. For example here's my User Agent header Mozilla 5.0 X11 U Linux x86_64 en US rv Gecko 2009030423 Ubuntu.. what Firefox and Safari 4 Beta report on my MacBook Pro Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh U Intel Mac OS X 10.5 en US rv Gecko 2009021906.. OS X 10.5 en US rv Gecko 2009021906 Firefox 3.0.7 Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh U Intel Mac OS X 10_5_6 en us AppleWebKit 528.16..

PHP curl post to login to Wordpress


FALSE curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_USERAGENT Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20070725..

PHP Curl - Cookies problem


path to cookie.txt' curl_setopt login CURLOPT_USERAGENT 'Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 5.01 Windows NT 5.0 ' curl_setopt login.. HTTP 1.1 Host affiliate program.amazon.com User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.0 rv 6.0 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 6.0 Accept.. HTTP 1.1 Host affiliate program.amazon.com User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.0 rv 6.0 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 6.0 Accept..

Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off?


30 curl_setopt curl_connection CURLOPT_USERAGENT Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.1 curl_setopt curl_connection.. CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 30 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_USERAGENT Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..

Bad Request. Connecting to sites via curl on host and system


of HTTPHEADER are Proxy Connection Close User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.1 WOW64 AppleWebKit 535.19 KHTML like Gecko.. array 'Proxy Connection Close' 'User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.1 WOW64 AppleWebKit 535.19 KHTML like Gecko.. Host stackoverflow.com Proxy Connection Close User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.1 WOW64 AppleWebKit 535.19 KHTML like Gecko..

How can I take fullscreen screenshot of website


screenshots of a web page using python and qtwebkit Use mozilla engine in batch mode http www.chimeric.de blog 2007 1018 5Fautomated..

reliable user browser detection with php


CSS links for example if stripos _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' mozilla false echo ' link type text css href mozilla.css ' I noticed.. mozilla false echo ' link type text css href mozilla.css ' I noticed this question however I wanted to clarify whether.. .NET CLR 3.0.30618 Safari gave something weird with mozilla in it too. What gives php browser detection share improve..

How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE


to write specific CSS for mozilla chrome and IE What would be the CSS conditional statement you..

PDF Viewer for my web - PHP [closed]


HTML5 input type file's multiple attribute not working in IE?


name button value Submit form It is working with chrome mozilla opera safari... but IE not supporting this. I tried with IE8..

How to make a chat room script with PHP?


are the corrections multipart responses only work with mozilla browsers and therefore are of limited use. COMET doesn't mean..