

php Programming Glossary: moving

PHP file cannot enter some part of code


a more flexible way to fetch the data. That can be done by moving the softly deprecated mysql_ functions into one or two classes..

PHP $_GET and $_POST undefined problem


to PHP so I apologize if this is a simple problem... I am moving a PHP site from one server to another. The new server is IIS..

Environment driven database settings in Laravel?


driven database settings in Laravel I am moving over the the Laravel framework but I am having trouble with..

Make XAMPP/Apache serve file outside of htdocs [closed]


and serve up my TransitCalculator.php file without moving it under htdocs Preferably I'd like Apache to serve up have..

How would you transform a pre-existing web app into a multilingual one?


the other hand it allows us to make the next modification moving slowly to full Symfony this web site is really a good candidate..

What are the best ways of protecting my source code? [closed]


distributed without permission. I've thought of perhaps moving my source to another server. Also toyed with the idea of obfuscating..

Performance-oriented way to protect files on PHP level?


web servers. The best way I can think of right now is moving the particular page's asset directory to a secure location when..

move an array if the corresponding values are at the minimum of 5 iterations has a duplicate


found a duplicate within a minimum of 5 iterations. The moving of iterations can move greater than 5. The data can be random...

Can I call a Model from a View?


and controllers I'll need to run my website. Now I'm moving onto the Views and I've encountered a small dilemma. My approach..

move all files in a folder to another?


all files in a folder to another when moving one file from one location to another i use rename 'path filename'..

Best way to manage long-running php script?


has to wait for each page to load before processing it and moving to the next. I want to be able to initiate the script and let..

How to debug PDO database queries?


to debug PDO database queries Before moving to PDO I created SQL queries in PHP by concatenating strings...

Java equivalent to PHP's preg_replace_callback


to PHP's preg_replace_callback I'm in the process of moving an application from PHP to Java and there is heavy use of regular..

Bulletin board - Database optimisation


required to establish Uniqueness for a Person. Removing them will result in two things. First you will no longer be.. Zip Code. NUMERIC 5 0 is good but I thought the US was moving towards 7 digits. Doesn't matter you can figure it out it is..

How to get rid of MySQL error 'Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared'


to repair it quickly UPDATE The problem has gone after moving to VPS server. Thanks for help. php mysql share improve this..

Correct indentation of HTML and PHP using Vim


which I then add PHP code to the indentation is ignored moving new lines of HTML code without any indentation at all. So is..

Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP


surname. Concatenating them DB side means you end up moving more data although really it's pretty minor. Depends. As above..

Restrict file access to authorized php users


share improve this question Don't really understand why moving them isn't an option since pushing requests for them to a handler..

Which is faster, python webpages or php webpages?


recognize that the question of speed here involves many moving parts. Fortunately many of these parts can be independently..

Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones


that you'll have to do a lot of unnecessary refactorings moving a thing to and from CommonBundle based on how many or few bundles..

PHP: mysql v mysqli v pdo [closed]


such as mysqli or PDO what are the pros and cons or Moving from mysql to mysqli or pdo which both deal with mysqli v pdo..

Update project based on Symfony 2.0 to Symfony 2.2


update my project written in Symfony 2.0 into Symfony 2.2. Moving source codes into 2.2 project ended with config.yml and security.yml..

Why are PHP's mysql_ functions deprecated? [duplicate]


the commonly used ext mysql extension is part of this. € Moving away from ext mysql is not only about security but also about..

Moving from NuSOAP to PHP5 SOAP


from NuSOAP to PHP5 SOAP I have been working on a script with..

what is a good method to sanitize the whole $_POST array in php?


as a shell argument then you would use escapeshellarg Moving onto your question about sending emails. Well the following..

Restrict file access to authorized php users


a security measure to prevent unauthorized file access. Moving the location of the files is not really an option so I'm looking..

Moving from mysql to mysqli or pdo? [closed]


from mysql to mysqli or pdo closed Duplicate mysqli or PDO..