

php Programming Glossary: mt_rand

php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker


if info 'content_type' null temp temp img . md5 mt_rand . ext touch temp imageContent curl_multi_getcontent curl_array..

Secure random number generation in PHP


cryptographically unpredictable random numbers for which mt_rand is not good enough and in general we can't assume a hosting.. seed then for each call result seed seed sha512 seed . mt_rand This is based on the security of the sha512 hash function the.. is based on the security of the sha512 hash function the mt_rand call is just to make life a little more difficult for an adversary..

PHP function to generate v4 UUID


0 'clock_seq_low' 0 'node' array uuid 'time_low' mt_rand 0 0xffff mt_rand 0 0xffff 16 uuid 'time_mid' mt_rand 0 0xffff.. 0 'node' array uuid 'time_low' mt_rand 0 0xffff mt_rand 0 0xffff 16 uuid 'time_mid' mt_rand 0 0xffff uuid 'time_hi'.. mt_rand 0 0xffff mt_rand 0 0xffff 16 uuid 'time_mid' mt_rand 0 0xffff uuid 'time_hi' 4 12 mt_rand 0 0x1000 uuid 'clock_seq_hi'..