

php Programming Glossary: mssql_connect

Optimizing WebSQL Local Database Population


where the information comes from. Login 'XXXXXXX' conn mssql_connect IPAddress Login Password if conn die print_r 'Unable to connect..

mssql_connect no longer working as of PHP 5.3


no longer working as of PHP 5.3 I just received an email from.. scripts have now broken. I traced it down to the function mssql_connect failing. Support told me this has now been deprecated under..

“Call to undefined .. mssql_connect” when using PHP in IIS?


Call to undefined .. mssql_connect&rdquo when using PHP in IIS May is ask you about how to connect.. Restart Apache using this code to connect link mssql_connect server user pass Error shown in browser is Fatal error Call.. shown in browser is Fatal error Call to undefined function mssql_connect in G AppServ www testmssql_connect.php on line 12 can anyone..

mssql_connect in PHP does not exist


in PHP does not exist I've been struggling with this for a.. what I'm missing. The error is call to undefined function mssql_connect Having looked into it already I've done about everything I can...

MSSQL Query issue in PHP and querying text data


blablabla myDB test connection to the database dbhandle mssql_connect myServer myUser myPass or die Couldn't connect to SQL Server..

Connecting to mssql using pdo through php and linux


to install them. I can connect perfectly fine using the mssql_connect function in PHP but I'm wanting to use the PDO library instead...

configure wamp to connect ms sql server 2008


code is shown below php server 'mypc SQLEXPRESS' link mssql_connect server 'sa' 'password' if link die 'something went wrong' When.. It shows the error Fatal error Call to undefined function mssql_connect in D wamp www connectsqlserver.php am I doing wrong way or is.. use sqlsrv_connect function to connect with sql server mssql_connect is depreciated you can get full list of function and their description..

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect()


Fatal error Call to undefined function mssql_connect I've never used php before and am trying to connect to a SQL.. log file saying PHP Fatal error Call to undefined function mssql_connect What do I need to do to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2008.. EDIT given new info You are using the wrong function. mssql_connect is part of the Mssql extension. You are using microsoft's extension..