

php Programming Glossary: msword

BOM in a PHP page auto generated by Wordpress


vnd.ms powerpoint application vnd.ms excel application msword User Agent Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.0 HTTP.. vnd.ms powerpoint application vnd.ms excel application msword User Agent Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.0 HTTP..

Convert .doc to html in php


a couple hours now and have only found ones that require msword on the server in order to convert the file. I am pretty sure..

Is it possible to display an RTF file inside a web page using PHP?


to display it inline with header Content type application msword header Content Disposition inline filename mark.rtf header Content..

PHP: Download file script not working on iPad


Control private false header Content Type application msword header Content Disposition attachment filename file.doc header.. Control private false header Content Type application msword readfile 'file.doc' the only difference in your code and mine.. Control private false header Content Type application msword if Operating_System_Is_IOS header Content Disposition attachment..