

php Programming Glossary: mostly

Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP


Since absolute date of last contents change The ETag is mostly used to reduce network traffic as in some cases to know the..

How to successfully rewrite old mysql-php code with deprecated mysql_* functions?


code with deprecated mysql_ functions I am still learning mostly from books I buy but today I leart that my book is old even..

How can I echo HTML in PHP?


engines are used for using PHP in documents that contain mostly HTML. In fact PHP's original purpose was to be a templating..

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?


Contemporary database APIs are just easier to use. It's mostly the bound parameters which can simplify code. And with excellent.. and so on... Your code will work alike and still mostly look the same include_once pdo_mysql.php pdo_connect localhost..

PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them?


. While Stackoverflow is also welcoming rookie coders it's mostly targetted at professional programming questions. Therefore answering.. everyones coding mistakes and very narrow typos is mostly considered off topic. So please take some time to follow the..

How to use HTTP cache headers with PHP


. Pages are generated dynamically but many of them are mostly static. By static I mean the content don't change but the template..

PHP: Is mysql_real_escape_string sufficient for cleaning user input?


cleaning user input in most situations EDIT I'm thinking mostly in terms of preventing SQL injection but I ultimately want to..

PHP How to find the time elapsed since a date time?


converting the date from a string to time. It seems you're mostly thinking about getting the date into the '5 days ago' format..

What's the difference between :: (double colon) and -> (arrow) in PHP?


instance you use . Otherwise you use . This means that is mostly used to access instance members though it can also be used to..

Continue PHP execution after sending HTTP response


to report any error messages received from the PHP script mostly invalid parameter errors . The application has a timeout delay..

How do I implement a callback in PHP?


and call_user_func_array are they only routes that work mostly see below for all the above. See http php.net callback Notes..

Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance)


go. Partly because I've never been a big fan of maths but mostly because I think that this problem has already been solved by..

How should a model be structured in MVC?


all the domain business logic and the Model Layer is mostly made from three types of structures Domain Objects A domain..

Using comet with PHP?


™t scale at all. The people I know doing Comet stuff are mostly using Twisted Python which is designed to handle hundreds or..

Special characters in PHP / MySQL


database words that include special character in Spanish mostly like tildes . In the database everything is saved and shown..

Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo


So which one to use In web applications output is mostly concentrated in templates. Since templates use which is the..

What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game


and high score postings throughout the binary. This is all mostly a waste of time. It goes without saying SSL isn't going to help..

Run PHP Task Asynchronously


on a somewhat large web application and the backend is mostly in PHP. There are several places in the code where I need to..