

php Programming Glossary: mtype

Highlight row when the checkbox is true


url 'models mod.quoservicetypedetails.php ACTION view' mtype 'POST' datatype 'xml' colNames getColumnNames jsonGridData colModel..

jqGrid with JSON data renders table as empty


.jqGrid url 'getAwards.php id ' classId dataType 'json' mtype 'POST' colNames 'Id' 'Badge' 'Name' 'Description' '' colModel..

JqGrid Reload not working


.jqGrid url 'classes ListServices.php' datatype json mtype 'POST' colNames 'Id' 'Description' 'Details' 'Cost in R ' colModel.. url 'classes ListServicesDetails.php Id 2' datatype json mtype 'POST' colNames 'Id' 'ServiceId' 'Description' 'Details' 'Cost..

Why this code is not working on linux server?


allowed file type. get mime type if allowed_ext fext '' mtype '' mime type is not set get from server settings if function_exists.. server settings if function_exists 'mime_content_type' mtype mime_content_type file_path else if function_exists 'finfo_file'.. finfo finfo_open FILEINFO_MIME return mime type mtype finfo_file finfo file_path finfo_close finfo if mtype ''..