

php Programming Glossary: mq

GeoLocation API


MK Europe ML Africa MM Asia MN Asia MO Asia MP Australia MQ North America MR Africa MS North America MT Europe MU Africa..

What is the best way to format messages for queueing?


a lot of good information on the subject of setting up a MQ system out there I can't find a lot about the actual implementation... improve this question You can pick any of the following MQ implementations in PHP so you don't have to roll your own and.. For general integration have a look at the ActiveMQ page on Enterprise Integration patterns . http sourceforge.net..

Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions


is in the most general case you should use a message queue MQ . RabbitMQ or the Pub Sub functionality built into the Redis.. general case you should use a message queue MQ . RabbitMQ or the Pub Sub functionality built into the Redis store may.. competing solutions on the market available such as ZeroMQ Beanstalkd etc. So instead of continuous querying your database..

PHP Daemon/worker environment


several php worker processes who are listening on a MQ server queue for asynchronous jobs. The problem now is that..