

php Programming Glossary: mon

How to clear browser cache with php?


Cache Control no cache must revalidate header Expires Mon 26 Jul 1997 05 00 00 GMT header Content Type application xml..

get_headers Inconsistency [closed]


exist Array 0 HTTP 1.1 200 OK 1 Server nginx 1.1.15 2 Date Mon 08 Oct 2012 12 29 13 GMT 3 Content Type text html charset utf.. You get Array 0 HTTP 1.1 404 Not Found 1 Date Mon 08 Oct 2012 12 32 18 GMT 2 Content Type text html 3 Content..

Form inside of $.load not posting correctly


is clicked and the following code is executed Readthis MonsterRequest.php id php echo _REQUEST 'id' Mon TestVar TestVar.replace.. Readthis MonsterRequest.php id php echo _REQUEST 'id' Mon TestVar TestVar.replace s g Readthis Readthis htmlencode TestVar.. seems to work as intended except for when passed to Monsterequest.php the post isn't being passed onto it's self and..

How to get the OS on which PHP is running?


06 EST 2003 i686 Linux FreeBSD localhost 3.2 RELEASE #15 Mon Dec 17 08 46 02 GMT 2001 FreeBSD Windows NT XN1 5.1 build 2600..

Getting all dates for Mondays and Tuesdays for the next year


all dates for Mondays and Tuesdays for the next year I need to output a list.. for the next year I need to output a list of dates only Mondays and Tuesdays for the next 12 months from current date like.. months from current date like so Jan 2010 Tue 12 Jan 2010 Mon 18 Jan 2010 Tue 19 Jan 2010 Mon 25 Jan 2010 Feb 2010 Tue 02..

Handling data in a PHP JSON Object


url http search.twitter.com search q Cheney as_of Mon 03 Nov 2008 21 49 36 0000 php json share improve this question..

HTTP Headers for File Downloads


Control private' header 'Pragma private' header 'Expires Mon 26 Jul 1997 05 00 00 GMT' Multipart Download and Download Resuming..

PHP Curl - Cookies problem


10080 Cache Control public max age 628003065 Expires Mon 18 Aug 2031 05 48 22 GMT Date Fri 23 Sep 2011 16 30 37 GMT Connection..

Bad Request. Connecting to sites via curl on host and system


utf 8 Content Encoding gzip Vary Accept Encoding Date Mon 05 Mar 2012 17 33 11 GMT Connection close Content Length 10537..

Find weekly periods (starting on a Monday) for a month


weekly periods starting on a Monday for a month I'm trying to find the weekly periods for a given month and.. a month I'm trying to find the weekly periods for a given month and year. Dates should start on a Monday and end on a Sunday... start on a Monday and end on a Sunday. If the 1st of the month is a Sunday Ex May 2011 it should be the first element. May..

entered form data is not saving in mysql db?


the button if isset _POST 'save' sel @ _POST 'selpro' mon @ _POST 'mon' tue @ _POST 'tue' wed @ _POST 'wed' thu @ _POST.. if isset _POST 'save' sel @ _POST 'selpro' mon @ _POST 'mon' tue @ _POST 'tue' wed @ _POST 'wed' thu @ _POST 'thu' fri @.. user sql UPDATE empdaytimesheet SET `project code` ' sel' `mon` ' mon' `tue` ' tue' `wed` ' wed' `thu` ' thu' ` fri` ' fri'..

increment date by one month


date by one month Let's say I have a date in the following format 2010 12 11.. say I have a date in the following format 2010 12 11 year mon day With PHP I want to increment the date by one month and I.. year mon day With PHP I want to increment the date by one month and I want the year to be automatically incremented if necessary..

Get date range between two dates excluding weekends


add oneday as day day_num day format N 'N' number days 1 mon to 7 sun if day_num 6 weekday days day format Y m d data print_r..

Getting first weekday in a month with strtotime


first weekday in a month with strtotime I'm trying to figure out the first wednesday.. I'm trying to figure out the first wednesday of a given month using strtotime but the first wednesday argument fails whenever.. of this problem see the following code and result mon strtotime December 2010 first monday tue strtotime December..

How do I get the first day of the week for the current locale? (PHP / L8N)


this question From CLDR's supplemental data firstDay day mon territories 001 firstDay day fri territories MV firstDay day..