

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: increases

Storing large (e.g. image/movie) files in Core Data on the iPhone


monolithic file which means if anything in it changes the whole thing needs to be copied during backups. This often increases the time it takes for the phone to backup while it is synching with iTunes because you changed some metadata and now it..

Reading audio buffer data with AudioQueue


1 28 1 84 2 123 3 97 4 110 5 54 6 126 Now take a look at every other row starting with the second row 13. See how it increases not evenly but at least smoothly The odd numbered rows aren't anywhere near that smooth. My first thought would be that..

What does the Tiler Utilization statistic mean in the iPhone OpenGL ES instrument?


terms of both the number of vertices and the size of the attributes sent per vertex and Fragment Utilization generally increases with overdraw and texture sampling. In your case the best thing would be to reduce the size of each vertex you ™re sending...

Boundry detect paper sheet opencv


see below. Again as noted in the introduction matrix assignment is O 1 operation because it only copies the header and increases the reference counter. Mat clone method can be used to get a full a.k.a. deep copy of the matrix when you need it. share..

How to find the distance between two CG points?


Background threads consuming 100% CPU on iPhone 3GS causes latent main thread


How to implement didReceiveMemoryWarning?


except in the low memory condition of the phone . In low memory condition of the phone my app just crashes and If I increases the phone memory by freeing up some space it again start working well without any crash . when I did some googling on the..

In CocoaTouch (iPhone OS) how do I find/eliminate leaks that the Instruments Leak tool doesn't find?


In addition the net memory usage is in the range of 600 700k bytes. Transitioning from the different views of my app increases memory usage as expected but when the views and controllers are released and dealloc'd the memory usage never quite goes..

iPhone GCC / LLVM GCC or LLVM?


2010 session video 300 the Developer Tools State of the Union you will see that Apple reports significant performance increases for applications built using the LLVM compiler over GCC up to 60 faster in certain cases . There are additional improvements..

Audio Processing: Playing with volume level


level for some of the amplitude values but with lots of noise. Interestingly if I choose 0.5 as amplitude value it increases the sound level instead of lowering it but when I use 0.1 as amplitude value it lowers the sound. Both cases involve disturbing..

does addSubview increment retain count?


as well I didn't realise this happens iphone release retaincount share improve this question Yes addSubview increases the retain count. This makes sense because the method stores the subview which should not be released freed until the superview..

How to make a UITableViewCell with a UITextView inside, that dynamically adjust its height, on the basis of the UITextView?


Contacts app by Apple a uitableviewcell with a uitextview inside so that when I write in the uitextview the uitextview increases its height and so accordingly the uitableviewcell dynamically adjusts its height. I searched over the whole web finding..

Mysterious “progressive slowing” problem in run loop / drawRect


with two lines of code. However when you do this there is a mysterious problem the time taken for each drawing cycle increases each time becoming unusable . Further the time can vary erratically. Is this a known iOS bug or Has anyone seen this before.. you sometimes get a doubly bizarre result like the following It is exhibiting the normal bizarre behavior the time increases each go around. However occasionally the time will drop to incredibly quick for a couple rounds and then return. Weird huh..

Fix font size issue on Mobile Safari (iPhone) where text is rendered inconsistently and some fonts are larger than others?


mobile safari share improve this question Mobile Safari like Chrome for Android Mobile Firefox and IE Mobile increases the font size of wide blocks at all times such that if you double tap to zoom in on that block which fits the block to the..

Version vs build in XCode 4


time they build they increase the number by one increasing forever. In my projects I have a script that automatically increases the build number every time I build. See instructions for that below. Release 1.0.0 might be build 542. It took 542 builds..

Resizing UITextView


displayed in the textview is dynamic. Thats is the number of lines is not fixed. It may vary. So if the number of line increases the size of the textview also needs to be increased. I have no clue how to do this. Please give me some ideas. UPDATE Here's..

Alternative to global variables in app delegate


some information in the models. with a global in your sample you are crossing many implementations which adds coupling increases dependency etc.. so if you can take this approach and localize the execution state you're off to a good start. then you..

Moving a Stick figure, anchorpoints, animation, or something else…?


the contentSize of the node changes which is often the case for labels for example the score starts with 1 digit but increases to 2 3 and 4 digits over time. In such cases right aligning a node by modifying the anchorPoint is justified because it..

Is it important to design iPhone App layouts flexible?


that shows an nice interface what would happen when the user takes a phone call while using the App and the Status Bar increases in height Or what if Apple changes the height of the Status Bar or Tab Bar some day in future Do you always use autoresizing..