

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: inconsistent

idleTimerDisabled not working since iPhone 3.0


and which needs to be deployed under 3.0 as it uses some 3.0 APIs I've found the idle Timer to be either ignored or inconsistent. My App plays music from the iPod library and when the music is playing it auto locks regardless of the above setting. But..

How to programmatically change the hue of UIImage?


the appropriate hue. This is derived from Nitish's solution although I found that making saturation less than 1.0 had inconsistent results. This method does allow varying the alpha but for true saturation other than 100 you will probably need a second..

Resizing UIImageView within custom UITableViewCell yielding inconsistent results


UIImageView within custom UITableViewCell yielding inconsistent results I'm building a table based on a UITableViewCell prototype I have created in a XIB file. The cell consists of a..

iPhone Settings


How to correctly setup a NSPredicate for a to-many relationship when using Core Data?


crazy. iphone core data share improve this question It turns out this is yet another problem with missing and or inconsistent documentation. The correct predicate in this case is the following one NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ excludedOccurrences.@count..

obtaining the rotation and size of a UIImageView based on its transformation matrices


for this question that only rotation and scaling have occurred if a shear transform is in the matrix you will get inconsistent results from following the algebra here but the same approach can be used to determine an analytical solution . A CGAffineTransform..

Bluetooth LE RSSI for proximity detection iOS


discovers the peripheral. When I try this however with two iPads the signal seems too strong for this it is also too inconsistent to have an accurate stab at the proximity as it doesn't show very much correlation to the devices proximity. I have tried..

fastest way to draw a screen buffer on the iphone


or kCGImageAlphaNone kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little bitmap types and double buffer so that the display is never in an inconsistent state. edit this should be faster than drawing to an OpenGL texture in theory but as always profile to be sure. edit2 CADisplayLink..

Add a row to UITableView for adding new item?


may add a new row into the table view. The table view's data source is from CoreData storage. Not sure this may cause inconsistent numbers of data in the data store and table view If it is OK and I have to manage rows in the table view how can I add left..

How to split Code for iOS 3.0 and iOS 3.2 so I can use MPMoviePlayerViewController if OS 3.2++


recommendation for universal apps in the iPad Programming Guide if you want to build for multiple OS versions with inconsistent APIs you should use NSClassFromString and go from there. This way you only have to have one target the lowest OS you support..

iPad rotation bug when using MPMoviePlayerViewController


the orientation of an iPad device or simulator while playing a video using MPMoviePlayerViewController results in an inconsistent rotation state upon dismissal of the video player. This is a known bug in iPad SDK 3.2 documented at http www.openradar.me..

Try-catch exception handling practice for iPhone/Objective-C


to catch them and somehow report the error then typically crash or at the least warn the user that your app is in an inconsistent state and may lose data. Behavior of any exception thrown through system framework code is undefined. Your if test to do..

iPhone iAds: Very inconsistent, sometimes bannerViewDidLoadAd does not get called


iAds Very inconsistent sometimes bannerViewDidLoadAd does not get called So I show my iAd banners when I get a callback to 'bannerViewDidLoadAd'..

Usage of NSException in iPhone Apps


to catch them and somehow report the error then typically crash or at the least warn the user that your app is in an inconsistent state and may lose data. Behavior of any exception thrown through system framework code is undefined. Can you explain the..

Is it possible to disable the network in iOS Simulator?


it possible to disable the network in iOS Simulator I am trying to debug some inconsistent behaviour I am seeing in an application that gets its primary data from the internet. I don't see the issues in the simulator..

Fix font size issue on Mobile Safari (iPhone) where text is rendered inconsistently and some fonts are larger than others?


font size issue on Mobile Safari iPhone where text is rendered inconsistently and some fonts are larger than others Our site renders with inconsistent font sizes on mobile Safari and as far as we.. Safari iPhone where text is rendered inconsistently and some fonts are larger than others Our site renders with inconsistent font sizes on mobile Safari and as far as we can tell only Mobile Safari. This very much has stumped us. We analyzed the..

What is the best method of re-rendering a web page on orientation change?


safari mobile browsers may re layout the page without setting the maximum scale on the viewport. But this behavior is inconsistent and most developers seem to cater to apple devices even if the implementation is worse than other devices. Some other devices..

How do I get the CoreData Debug argument to output to the console?


second parameter. iphone cocoa debugging sqlite core data share improve this question XCode 4 final seems to be inconsistent. Using one argument works on the device but fails in the simulator com.apple.CoreData.SQLDebug 1 Using two arguments works..

Index '5' beyond bounds of empty array crash


copying the new data to the ivar and call reloadData . This will keep the the tableview from being in the inconsistent state you're experiencing. @property retain nonatomic NSArray sourceArray void processCompleted self.sourceArray self rssParser..

How to do a application level exception handling in iPhone application


it. I'm not sure why you would want your app to continue execution at this point given that it's very likely in an inconsistent state. It's almost always better to just let it crash than to potentially corrupt data or worse. From the Apple docs Sets..