

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incidentally

Weak references inside a block


image is just sending a message to nil which is safe or at least it shouldn't cause an EXC_BAD_ACCESS . Incidentally if you had qualified weakSelf as __unsafe_unretained you might end up sending messages to a freed object. So I doubt that..

How to simplify in app Application Settings management?


seen mySettings Uses almost the same plist file as you can use in the Settings app but displays it inside your app. Incidentally Apple recommends including frequently changed settings inside your application. Other stuff should be in the Settings app...

Objective C release, autorelease, and data types


the result. This is probably implemented with autorelease much like the last example above but not necessarily. Incidentally you can also create an empty autoreleased NSMutableArray with NSMutableArray array the method is found in NSArray so it..

Objective-C 101 (retain vs assign) NSString


retain the value such as non object types like BOOL or NSRect or when retaining it would cause unwanted side effects. Incidentally in the case of an NSString the correct kind of property is usually copy . That way it can't change out from under you if..

Typical UDP latency on iPhone over 3G - are my numbers right?


which severely affects UDP. TCP is better because the phone knows of the open connection and is faster to power up. Incidentally during packet loss TCP would reach pings of 1000 2000 ms. This coincides with own observations that TCP connections would..

iphone UISearchBar Done button always enabled


the UISearchBar until you find the text field. Its then just a matter of setting enablesReturnKeyAutomatically to NO. Incidentally the following code also is useful for setting the keyboard type. loop around subviews of UISearchBar for UIView searchBarSubview..

ASIHTTPRequest problem


it's often a shambles. It's tough. Can't help on that one. Hope the above helps. Open your console to see the results. Incidentally here's the LINK for ASIHttpRequest as a number of poeple have asked for the URL http allseeing i.com ASIHTTPRequest share..

Why won't my UITableView properly reload data from its source array?


Cell cell.textLabel.text myList objectAtIndex indexPath.row return cell Anyone notice anything I might be doing wrong Incidentally the tableview will not respond to updates to its frame either void keyBoardShown NSNotification note keysDisplayed YES NSLog..

Dealing with different size images in a xib for iPhone5 versus iPhone4?


iPhone 5 I will now need different images for the different screen size how is this dealt with in the xib or elsewhere incidentally what do you do if the app doesn't use a launch image iphone ios uiimageview ios6 iphone 5 share improve this question..

iPhone UITableView PlainStyle with custom background image - done “entirely” in code


self.tableView.backgroundColor backgroundColor I of course get the tableView's background colored which incidentally colors the cell's as well think the cell's inherits their color from the tableView but I wish to have a static background..

Setting Address Book image for a contact doesn't seem to work


the error here CFErrorRef error Assign nil here or it will have a random or more precisely some previous memory value incidentally pointing to an ABPeoplePickerNavigationController object. Regarding the merits are you sure the reference to person you..

iPhone SDK 4 AVFoundation - How to use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection correctly?


otherwise you effectively get JPEG encoded video frames. Might as well use higher quality BGRA frames incidentally the camera's native output appears to be BGRA it doesn't appear to have the colour subsampling of 2vuy 420v . The video..

UIAlertView: wait_fences: failed to receive reply: 10004003


the time but sometimes I get the wait_fences failed to receive reply 10004003 message in the console output window and incidentally there is some strange UI behaviour. I did some searching and found out that this is caused by something like the underlaying..

How can I use a 3-D texture in iOS?


at even greater cost. I've also done nothing about clamping which you'll quite possibly want to address. Datenwolf 1 incidentally is also entirely correct about mipmapping being an issue I ended up just disabling it. Late 2013 addendum at the time of..