

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incase

Store But Don't Save NSManagedObject to CoreData?


during this setup I don't want to save the object until the user presses 'Done' right at the end of the setup just incase they cancel the setup for whatever reason . So is it possible to keep hold the object holding my info for a short time until..

iPhone: Layering a transparent openGL view on top of a UIView?


kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8 kEAGLDrawablePropertyColorFormat nil glClearColor 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f And incase you're doing what I was doing and are trying to test it with the GLGravity demo there's another call to glClearColor 0.0f..

OpenGL ES Simple Undo Last Drawing


function I would think. Thanks iphone opengl es drawing undo share improve this question Late answer I know but incase anyone else comes upon this I'll post this anyway. You also have the option of storing the points in an array at every touchesBegan..

Restrict Duplicate entry in NSArray


. Here is a demo of how to use it both NSSet and NSMutableSet then converting the NSSet back to an NSArray incase you want to do that void NSMutableSetPrintTest NSMutableSet mutableSet NSMutableSet alloc init NSLog @ Adding 5 objects..

iPhone Mapkit adding custom image and pins to annotations


add an Overlay to a certain part of the map. This is working fine I have also taken it out and tried it without that incase it was causing a problem but it still didn't fix it. void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad MKCoordinateRegion cordRgn LusuAppAppDelegate..

iMessage Style Receding Keyboard in an iOS App


the keyboard is about to be displayed void keyboardWillShow NSNotification notification makes keyboard view visible incase it was hidden keyboardSuperView.hidden NO return method is called whenever the keyboard is displayed void keyboardDidShow..

“isEqualToString” Cocoa error


UILabel cell viewWithTag 2 dateTextLabel.text dateText self todaysDate return cell jokes is an array full of jokes incase you needed to know Why is that error coming in Also do you see the part of the error that says sent to instance 0x52e2f0..