

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incoming

Detect when home button is pressed iOS


is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions such as an incoming phone call or SMS message or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. Use..

How to restart app if it unexpectedly shutdown


but it should be registered as VoIP application. Because VoIP applications need to stay running in order to receive incoming calls the system automatically relaunches the application if it exits with a nonzero exit code. This could happen in cases..

iPhone ivar naming convention [duplicate]


like to use it for clarity to separate out class variables and as another responder noted to avoid conflict with incoming parameter names. Even in Apple sample code the use is mixed. However I greatly prefer to not use the _ prefix and have two..

applicationWillEnterForeground vs. applicationDidBecomeActive, applicationWillResignActive vs. applicationDidEnterBackground


What's the difference Also I've noticed that applicationWillResignActive gets called when an incoming SMS or call comes in but the user chooses to click Ok and continue. I don't want my app to take any action in these cases...

iPhone: How to Programmatically Respond to SMS Messages


have not yet found a way for an application to be written such that it can programmatically process the content of an incoming SMS message within the iPhone platform. The idea would be for such an application to be running in the background and based.. how this can be done iphone sms share improve this question Unfortunately you cannot intercept or be notified of incoming SMS messages with the iPhone SDK. One possible alternative is to register a custom URL scheme that launches your application..

Downloading a Large File - iPhone SDK


better approach would be to add the stream in addition to the data ivar set the helper as the stream's delegate buffer incoming data in the data ivar then dump the data ivar's contents to the helper whenever the stream sends the helper its space available..

Record and play audio Simultaneously


using either the Audio Unit RemoteIO or the Audio Queue API. These are lower level APIs where you have to handle the incoming buffers of outgoing and incoming PCM samples yourself. See Apple's aurioTouch sample app for example code. share improve..

Can use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput at the same time?


less like with the bits you're having no problems with skimmed over and ignoring issues of scope to ensure I'm given incoming CMSampleBuffers AVCaptureSession captureSession alloc and init set your preferred preset etc AVCaptureDevice captureDevice.. this example is too lazy assetWriter addInput assetWriterInput we need to warn the input to expect real time data incoming so that it tries to avoid being unavailable at inopportune moments assetWriterInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime YES ... eventually..

Play alert sound (same as default message ringtone)


alert sound same as default message ringtone Is it possible to play some default sounds such as when an incoming SMS push is received If iOS SDK does not bundle these sound files where can I download the same sounds iphone audio alert..

Download music file from server and save in my app


the expectedContentLength method. And then in each call to the NSURLConnection didRecieveData method you count the incoming bytes using data length method divide it by the expectedContentLength from the previous URL response and that's the float..

NSDefaultRunLoopMode vs NSRunLoopCommonModes


no interaction with external events and no timers you don't need a run loop but if your thread needs to respond to incoming events you need to attach it to a run loop in order to wake up this thread when new events arrive. This is the case of NSURLConnection.. to wake up this thread when new events arrive. This is the case of NSURLConnection generated threads as the live on incoming events only from the network . Each thread can be associated to different run loops or it can be associated to a run loop..

How can I use private APIs to block incoming calls in an iOS application?


can I use private APIs to block incoming calls in an iOS application I would like to be able to selectively block incoming calls in an iOS application I'm writing... can I use private APIs to block incoming calls in an iOS application I would like to be able to selectively block incoming calls in an iOS application I'm writing. This is intended for personal use not the App Store so I'm fine with using private..

Can an iPhone app block phone calls?


an iPhone app block phone calls Is it possible to write an application that will block incoming and outcoming phone calls Or is the iPhone locked down too much Thanks iphone objective c xcode share improve this question..

UINavigationController and autorotation


the movement of the new and old controllers' frames from right to left Create a copy of the UINavigationItem for the incoming view controller and push it on the dummy navigation bar When the animation completes remove the dummy UINavigationBar from..

Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch


is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions such as an incoming phone call or SMS message or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. Use..