

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incomplete

iPhone SDK - Frosted Glass (iOS 7 Blur) Effect


in ios 5 UPDATE 1 So after a little bit of research I ended up discovering that the Core Image for the iOS is still incomplete when comparing to the OS X version of the library. So I googled a lot and I find two solutions one of them more simple and..

iPhone - finalizing Apple's vague “VerificationController.m”


that Apple released to fix the in app purchase fraud problem. As everything released by Apple this is one more vague incomplete and bad explained document with a lot of voids and unknowns that cannot be circumvented understood by everyone. I am trying..

How do I add consumable In App Purchases using NSUserDefaults and not my own server?


except do not charge a purchase.. simply call the restoreTransactions method that I included.. This will restore any incomplete transactions that occurred due to app or internet connectivity failure or whatever. Example In AppDelegate.h @interface..

Accessing & Using the MobileWiFi.framework


this question will also provide some centralized insightful material with the most recent iPhone SDK 3.1.2. Here's my incomplete not working code .h void libHandle void airportHandle int open void int bind void NSString int close void int scan void..

Are there complete examples that make use of all the NSURLConnection delegate methods?


time to find any examples for NSURLConnection delegate method implemenetations. The SeismicXML example from apple is incomplete. For instance they don't incorporate connection willSendRequest redirectResponse Maybe there's a good text out there. I..

Cache URL images iphone UITableview


I found an example here http www.ericd.net 2009 05 iphone caching images in memory.html#top But the code is incomplete. I'm an objective c novice so I found it very difficult to fill in the missing pieces. iphone cocoa touch uitableviewcell..

SRV record lookup with iPhone SDK


suggests that it is available on the iPhone. See the Apple Developer Site for full API details . I've included some incomplete sample code too #include dns_sd.h int main int argc char argv DNSServiceRef sdRef DNSServiceErrorType res DNSServiceQueryRecord..

Catching error: Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment


error Corrupt JPEG data premature end of data segment When creating an UIImage with corrupt incomplete JPEG data the console will print out Error Corrupt JPEG data premature end of data segment The incomplete image will be.. with corrupt incomplete JPEG data the console will print out Error Corrupt JPEG data premature end of data segment The incomplete image will be shown with grey filling up the incomplete part. I do not want this to happen. I desperately tried with a try.. out Error Corrupt JPEG data premature end of data segment The incomplete image will be shown with grey filling up the incomplete part. I do not want this to happen. I desperately tried with a try catch block but it does not catch the error. Is there..

Rendering to non-power-of-two texture on iPhone


NPOT 2D texture with a wrap mode that is not CLAMP_TO_EDGE or a minfilter that is not NEAREST or LINEAR is considered incomplete. If such a texture is bound to a texture unit it is as if texture mapping were disabled for that texture unit. You can use..

iOS WebView remote html with local image files


the bundle. Below is the subclasses' header the implementation as well as an example how to use it in a viewController incomplete code and a local html file which can be easily exchanged with a remote one . I've called the custom protocol myapp as you..

Apple In-App Purchase


defaultQueue finishTransaction transaction void restoreTransaction SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSLog @ restored incomplete transaction self recordTransaction transaction self provideContent transaction.originalTransaction.payment.productIdentifier..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl with UITabBarController


but leaving an un curled UIToolbar at the bottom of the screen . I will continue in this tradition of incomplete answers since you ask about a UITabBarController and my solution doesn't specifically address that case. It does however..

How to properly crop an image taken on iPhone 4G (with EXIF rotation data)?


uiimage rotation share improve this question There is a lot of sample code out on the web for this. It's all incomplete or wrong when it comes to iPhone 4G because iPhone 4G embeds rotation EXIF data into its JPEGs. This data is exposed via..

iMessage Style Receding Keyboard in an iOS App


orta iMessage Style Receding Keyboard iphone keyboard uikit ios5 share improve this question This is an incomplete solution however it should give you a good starting point. Add the following ivars to your UIViewController CGRect keyboardSuperFrame..

AFNetworking Uploading a file


have a full implementation of uploading a file using AFNetworking. I have found some code on the internet but it is incomplete. The code I have found is here AFHTTPClient client AFHTTPClient clientWithBaseURL NSURL URLWithString @ http my.client.server.com..

Subquery in SQLite query not working


node.lft SQLite reports that sub_tree.name isn't a column and I assume this is because its subquery implementation is incomplete. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get around this limitation The purpose of the query is to get all the immediate..

Caching videos to disk after successful preload by MPMoviePlayerController


using atomic YES wait 10 seconds and point the movie player to the local disk path. it will download while playing the incomplete file. next time just check if the file exists first. I got this working pretty well on WIFI connections but on 3G there..