

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: inconsistency

Alpha transparent PNGs not displaying correctly in Mobile Safari


refresh caused them to go greyish I tried again with a new browser window and it was back to looking proper ahh the inconsistency you mentioned strikes again. Well then I just phyiscally rotated the iPhone and as it went from landscape to portrait mode..

Core Data Boolean property NSNumber doesn't remember it's boolean


iOS 7 UIDatePicker height inconsistency?


7 UIDatePicker height inconsistency I'm running into something weird when using UIDatePicker elements with Storyboards in iOS 7. In the Storyboard the date..

Core Data Inferred Migration ??Automatic “lightweight” vs Manual


model has to be removed or just un targetted to allow an inferred and lightweight migration to happen. It's a big inconsistency and the lightweight option that NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType configuration URL options error..

How does Sencha Touch + PhoneGap perform compared to native apps in terms of speed?


or CSS. I forgot name of it however it's incomplete yet PS. And there is another big reason for you. It's UI behavior inconsistency. The frameworks mimics basic UI of iOS but incomplete. So it feels uncomfortable like imitated copy brands. However you..

CGFloat-based math functions?


. Or you could just use float instead of CGFloat everywhere and not worrying about 64 bit iOS. But then you would get inconsistency with Apple's libraries and IMHO uglier code. Or you could maybe use CGFloat together with the double versions and just take..

SQLlite3 Update statment has no effect


condition_id 4 WHERE id 10 iphone sql cocoa touch sqlite share improve this question There is some confusion and inconsistency in the way SQLite and the various implementations by Mozilla Google Adobe and others handle numeric primary keys in databases..