

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: increased

Play/Forward video in 2x 3x 4x speed - iPhone SDK


of 0 represents that the video is stopped a value of 1 indicates normal speed and further positive values indicate increased speed while negative ones indicate reverse . Also check your endseeking delegate method of MPMediaPlayback as it is the..

Spacing between cells on UITableView with Custom UITableViewCell


indexPath.row 2 instead of indexPath.row for the visible section to get the correct datasource index number of rows is increased to add the invisible rows NSString nmCard self.cards valueForKeyPath @ cards.name objectAtIndex indexPath.row 2 cell.descCardLabel.text..

Does a NSURLConnection retain its delegate?


stopped. So you can see pretty clearly that in connectionWithRequest delegate self is indeed having its retain count increased 1. If you're feeling brave and want to mess with the EXC_BAD_ACCESS gods add in conn dealloc NSLog @ Retain count after..

UIWebView resizes text after rotating: looking for explanation for magical bug or my stupidity


setFrame CGRectMake 0 0 r.size.width r.size.height minus As you can see I only added the same code one more time and increased margin minus by one point. And did setFrame again no it doesn't fix the resizing with only one set of setFrames . I'm happy..

When to call release on NSURLConnection delegate?


as the delegate. NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest request self By doing that your class the retain count would be increased by 1 when the connection starts and then would de reduced by 1 after the connection finishes loading fails or is canceled..

Is MonoTouch a viable platform for iPhone development?


app. I worked at a company where we built our apps developed with Apple's stack against our custom framework. It increased the size of our apps but it also cut way down on production time and that's always the trade off right . Plus the size of..

Restrict Duplicate entry in NSArray


if we are done adding and removing things and only want to check what is in the Set we should convert to an NSSet for increased performance. NSSet immutableSet NSSet setWithSet mutableSet NSLog @ NSSet now contains d objects immutableSet count int..

Audio Processing: Playing with volume level


file's maximum volume level. To clarify my purpose I'm trying to produce another sound file of which volume level is increased or decreased relative to the original one so I don't care about the system's volume level which is set by the user or iOS...

What are some great iPhone questions for exercise? [closed]


answer What made you stop and think saved you days pushed you in another direction that was fun and or profitable increased your knowledge or just made you feel good for having discovered the answer iphone ios share improve this question Things..

Performance scrolling and retina resolution images in CALayer


scrolling performance I set shouldRasterize YES on the layer in the UIView. This worked great in that performance increased so I have smooth scrolling and doesn't pose an issue since my graphics are static once drawn. However the problem is that..

iPhone Landscape-Only Utility-Template Application


gets funky. It looks like the height of the main view is being cut by a little more than half and the width is being increased by about 50 . If I do the exact same set of steps using the View based Application template instead of Utility then everything..

Resizing UITextView


of lines is not fixed. It may vary. So if the number of line increases the size of the textview also needs to be increased. I have no clue how to do this. Please give me some ideas. UPDATE Here's what I'm doing UIView baseView UIView alloc initWithFrame..

iPhone 4 profile power consumption (with instruments)


to. The app also used iPhone sleep preventer to play silent audio. Since then I noticed that the battery consumption increased by up to 4 times I'd like to find a method to profile the power consumption I think I saw an option in Instruments to find..

Adding days to NSDate


NSDateComponents dateComponents NSDateComponents alloc init dateComponents setDay addDaysCount Retrieve date with increased days count NSDate newDate NSCalendar currentCalendar dateByAddingComponents dateComponents toDate dateFromString options..