

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: inclined

UITableView with images scrolls very slowly [duplicate]


indexPath if updateCell cell.imageView.image image return cell Fourth and finally while one might be inclined to write code to purge the cache in low memory situations it turns out that it does this automatically so no extra handling..

UISearchBar: Changing the appearance - Shape, Background, Overlay an Image


drawrect share improve this question Upon some investigating of possibilites to customize the search bar I'm inclined to say this is a custom component that has nothing to do with UISearchBar but instead recreates its functionality. share..

iOS: How can i receive HTTP 401 instead of -1012 NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication


Can the iPhone4 record from both front and rear-facing camera at the same time?


the first frame left me with about one frame every two seconds. Of course it's possible I erred in my code but I'm inclined to say that it's not possible on the current hardware or OS. I shall hook the AVCaptureSession notifications to see if I'm..

MPMoviePlayer load and play movie saved in app documents


share improve this question Given that none of the other answers seem to resolve the problem I'm inclined to think that the problem might be with the Documents file path you are producing. You should be using the following method..

OpenGL ES, OpenFrameworks, Cinder and IOS creative development


you want. Just include the relevant headers you want. Alternatively you can just use a 3d math library if you are so inclined and do away with frameworks all together. This gives you more control over your rendering pipeline and also potentially..