

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incmsg

How to block incoming SMS in iPhone jailbreak + code


result Class CTMessageCenter NSClassFromString @ CTMessageCenter id mc CTMessageCenter sharedMessageCenter id incMsg mc incomingMessageWithId result int msgType int incMsg messageType if msgType 1 experimentally detected number id phonenumber.. @ CTMessageCenter id mc CTMessageCenter sharedMessageCenter id incMsg mc incomingMessageWithId result int msgType int incMsg messageType if msgType 1 experimentally detected number id phonenumber incMsg sender NSString senderNumber NSString phonenumber.. result int msgType int incMsg messageType if msgType 1 experimentally detected number id phonenumber incMsg sender NSString senderNumber NSString phonenumber canonicalFormat id incMsgPart incMsg items objectAtIndex 0 NSData smsData..

how to get the message when receiving the “kCTMessageReceivedNotification” notification on IOS5


result Class CTMessageCenter NSClassFromString @ CTMessageCenter id mc CTMessageCenter sharedMessageCenter id incMsg mc incomingMessageWithId result But with ios5 I can't do it as incMsg is nil so what can i do to get the message Thanks.. id mc CTMessageCenter sharedMessageCenter id incMsg mc incomingMessageWithId result But with ios5 I can't do it as incMsg is nil so what can i do to get the message Thanks iphone ios5 sms jailbreak share improve this question Here's what..