

c# Programming Glossary: reopen

A Real Timespan Object With .Years & .Months


closed if you would like it re opened please click the reopen link which is located right underneath the question once enough.. once enough votes are cast only a few required it will reopen and yourself and others will be able to add additional answers..

Troubleshooting “program does not contain a static 'Main' method” when it clearly does…?


MS Visual C# to go off and do other things in life. I reopen it and before doing anything else go to Publish my program and..

What's the best way to monitor a socket for new data and then process that data?


graceful way to handle this aspect I don't think close and reopen with each data packet will work because of the rapid fire nearly..

WatiN FireEvent not passing event properties in FireFox


events. This should be fixed and is not that hard. I will reopen the issue on SourceForge. To make this work you could run this..

How do I send bytes to a serial device in C#?


of SerialPort for the whole session. Do not try to reopen it because you will be causing reconfigurations to the state..

Maintaining an open Redis connection using BookSleeve


possibility that the connection has dropped and you must reopen it and fail gracefully if it won't open but that is up to your..

Forms Authentication understanding context.user.identity


This will make the cookie persist even if you close and reopen the browser. Since this is not the behavior you want I would..