

c# Programming Glossary: removeall

How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it?


i Console.WriteLine i Alternately you can use the RemoveAll method with a predicate to test against safePendingList.RemoveAll.. method with a predicate to test against safePendingList.RemoveAll item item.Value someValue Here's a simplified example to demonstrate.. Before list.ForEach i Console.WriteLine i list.RemoveAll i i 5 Console.WriteLine After list.ForEach i Console.WriteLine..

C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute [duplicate]


can't. There are a few common options here use List T and RemoveAll with a predicate iterate backwards by index removing matching..

Func vs. Action vs. Predicate


RemoveAll for ObservableCollections?


for ObservableCollections I am looking for Linq way like RemoveAll.. for ObservableCollections I am looking for Linq way like RemoveAll method for List which can remove selected items from my ObservableCollection...

How to Quickly Remove Items From a List


list list.FindAll x x null Test 6 Set to null and then RemoveAll In this test I set all the to be deleted items to null then.. I set all the to be deleted items to null then used the RemoveAll feature to remove all the items that are not null private void.. list for int i 0 i list.Count i if i 5 0 list i null list.RemoveAll x x null Client Application and Outputs int numItems 500000..

using LINQ to remove objects within a List<T>


from the previous collection. Alternatively you can use RemoveAll authorsList.RemoveAll x x.FirstName Bob If you really need to.. Alternatively you can use RemoveAll authorsList.RemoveAll x x.FirstName Bob If you really need to do it based on another.. to do it based on another collection I'd use a HashSet RemoveAll and Contains var setToRemove new HashSet Author authors authorsList.RemoveAll..