

c# Programming Glossary: removes

Converting C# knowledge to VB.NET any potential problems?


On Option Explicit On Option Infer On This essentially removes the late binding semantics of VB.Net and forces it to be a strictly..

What ORM for .net should I use?


Nhibernate personally I hardly do without it anymore as it removes all the tediousness of NHibernate at once almost . It makes..

Remove 0s from the end of a decimal value


0.0001 1.1200 How can I write a dynamic function that removes 0 in the end of the decimal c# decimal share improve this..

winforms html editor


Another nice feature would be a paste from word that removes all the extra tags you usually end up with but again it's a..

Slugify and Character Transliteration in C#


this question I would also like to add that the TRANSLIT removes the apostrophes and that @jxac solution doesn't address that...

Where to learn about VS debugger 'magic names'


If you have an unused local variable that the optimizer removes we emit debug info for it anyway into the PDB. We stuck the..

HTML Agility Pack strip tags NOT IN whitelist


NOT IN whitelist I'm trying to create a function which removes html tags and attributes which are not in a white list. I have.. from here Apparently it does not strip th tags but removes the element altoghether. OK here is the solution for those who..

Round a double to x significant figures


find ways to round to x decimal places but this simply removes the precision if there are any 0s in the number. e.g. 0.086..

Memory Efficiency and Performance of String.Replace .NET Framework


as the snippet above. It takes a huge string and replaces removes constant smaller strings from large string. I believe this is..

SQL WHERE clause matching values with trailing spaces


displaying weirdly. In C# code calling zoneReference.Trim removes it suggesting it is some sort of whitespace character. Can anyone..

C# 'var' keyword versus explicitly defined variables [duplicate]


only valid reason for a refactoring. More importantly it removes redundance and makes the code shorter without any loss in clarity... used to test for type safety and correctness. It also removes a completely useless code duplication. For simple types this..

Why does Boolean.ToString output “True” and not “true”


Of course that adds 1 more method to the stack but removes ToLowers everywhere. c# .net boolean share improve this question..

How do I get the path of the assembly the code is in?


the path in URI format then UriBuild.UnescapeDataString removes the File at the beginning and GetDirectoryName changes it to..

How do parameterized queries help against SQL injection?


of arguments prior to running the SQL query. It completely removes the possibility of dirty input changing the meaning of your..

How to I override List<T>'s Add method in C#?


the Add T item method to include the functionality which removes the first item if necessary. c# generics inheritance collections..

MemoryCache Strangeness


the specified limit the memory cache implementation removes cache entries And physicalMemoryLimitPercentage The percentage..

Removing Watermark from a PDF using iTextSharp


layer. Section 3 creates a final PDF from the second but removes the layer with our watermark text. See the code comments for..

WCF - Design Parameter Decision


create a new operation IsContractRenewalInProgress . This removes the need to think about who should be responsible for validating..

How do you remove invalid hexadecimal characters from an XML-based data source prior to constructing an XmlReader or XPathDocument that uses the data?


is below. You can adjust to use with a stream. summary Removes control characters and other non UTF 8 characters summary param..

How can I modify a queue collection in a loop?


returnValue #endregion #region Public Methods summary Removes all objects from the see cref ThreadSafeQueue T summary public.. new void Clear lock _LockObject base.Clear summary Removes and returns the object at the beggining of the see cref ThreadSafeQueue..

Bidirectional 1 to 1 Dictionary in C#


Int32 Count get return firstToSecond.Count summary Removes all items from the dictionary. summary public void Clear firstToSecond.Clear..

How do I create an ODBC DSN entry using C#?


Trusted_Connection trustedConnection Yes No summary Removes a DSN entry summary param name dsnName Name of the DSN to remove...

How to install a windows service programmatically in C#?


MyServiceName MyServiceDisplayName C PathToServiceFile.exe Removes the service ServiceInstaller.Uninstall MyServiceName Checks..

multimap in .NET


toReturn values.Contains value return toReturn summary Removes the specified value for the specified key. It will leave the..

C# Clear Session


difference between Session.Abandon and Session.Clear Clear Removes all keys and values from the session state collection. Abandon..

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?


End Sub ''' summary ''' Removes the first occurence of each item in the specified collection.. collection.ToList summary Removes the first occurence of each item in the specified collection.. End Sub ''' summary ''' Removes the first occurence of each item in the specified collection..