

c# Programming Glossary: remoting

How to update textbox on GUI from another thread in C#


make some basic chat client server application using .net remoting. I want to make windows form client application and console..

Drag and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application


drop between them I get the following cryptic error This remoting proxy has no channel sink which means either the server has.. drag and drop support. It appears to be trying to use .NET remoting when performing drag and drop between .NET applications but..

Why can reflection access protected/private member of class in C#?


this question This is necessary for scenarios such as remoting serialization materialization etc. You shouldn't use it blindly..

Why use simple properties instead of fields in C#? [duplicate]


Fields don't work in Remoting probably I've never used remoting but I imagine they wouldn't Other than these fairly rare cases..

How to write c# service that I can also run as a winforms program?


app or a service. The first option is pretty easy use remoting or WCF to expose the API. The second option can be achieved..

Interprocess communication for Windows in C# (.NET 2.0)


original IPC framework released with .Net 1.0. I believe remoting is no longer being actively developed and you are encouraged.. uses a tcp channel Resources GenuineChannels sell a remoting toolkit that includes a Shared Memory Channel. http www.genuinechannels.com.. Index.aspx Ingo Rammer wrote the definitive .Net remoting book Advanced .NET Remoting Second Edition Win32 RPC using csharptest..

What's the difference between QueueUserWorkItem() and BeginInvoke(), for performing an asynchronous activity with no return types needed


What is AppDomain? [duplicate]


versions of assemblies etc The pain is you need to use remoting etc. See MSDN for lots more info. To be honest it isn't something..

Attempted to read or write protected memory


access violation may happen on some software that utilizes remoting which mine does but the access violation never happends when.. mine does but the access violation never happends when remoting is actually occuring. I'm ok with using only 2.0 sp1 for now..

Get external IP address over remoting in C#


external IP address over remoting in C# I need to find out the external IP of the computer a.. on. In the application I have a connection via .NET remoting to a server. Is there a good way to get the address of the client.. I can now send the IP back to the client. c# .net remoting share improve this question This is one of those questions..

Usage of AppDomain in C#


C# What is the most important use of AppDomains in C# c# remoting appdomain share improve this question The single most important.. levels etc but have associated costs of complexity and remoting. MSDN has a section on app domains here . share improve this..

Atomicity of File.Move


It is a MarshalByRef object and therefore can be used in remoting environments. Don't know if this applies to you. share improve..

What is the point of the ISerializable interface?


serialization usually for BinaryFormatter and perhaps for remoting purposes . Without it it uses the fields which can be inefficient..

How to communicate with a windows service from an application that interacts with the desktop?


would be cross platform as well working in Mono so I guess remoting is out Edit Forgot to mention we still have to support Windows..

GUI and windows service communication


of communication from a UI to the service I have heard of Remoting Web services and direct TCP. Are there other methods How do..

Visual C++ versus Visual C# , which is the best to learn? [closed]


management Lambda functions Type inference Reflection Remoting Automatic serialization True entity types Properties Database..

Communication between C# applications - the easy way


not entirely sure which is the right method for me. WCF Remoting etc. What I want to know is which one is the easier to implement..

Sharing data between AppDomains


statistic and save them into a file. One way to do this is Remoting which I want to avoid. The only other technique I have in mind..

Interprocess communication in .NET


out performs remoting for small data but approaches Remoting performance as data size increases. share improve this answer..

Why use simple properties instead of fields in C#? [duplicate]


advantage to using the field version Fields don't work in Remoting probably I've never used remoting but I imagine they wouldn't..

Get name of property as a string


of some code involving reflection. The app has a .NET Remoting interface exposing among other things a method called Execute..

Is this thread.abort() normal and safe?


the user press a key it queries the database server using Remoting on another thread. When the user types very fast the program..

How fast or lightweight Is Protocol Buffer?


Protocol Buffer for .NET gonna be lightweight faster than Remoting the SerializationFormat.Binary Will there be a first class support.. framework terms i.e. is it handled transparently like with Remoting WebServices c# remoting protocol buffers share improve this..

Interprocess communication for Windows in C# (.NET 2.0)


en us library system.servicemodel.netnamedpipebinding.aspx Remoting The original IPC framework released with .Net 1.0. I believe.. WCF instead Code example Inter process communication via Remoting uses a tcp channel Resources GenuineChannels sell a remoting.. wrote the definitive .Net remoting book Advanced .NET Remoting Second Edition Win32 RPC using csharptest net RpcLibrary I came..

Fastest serializer and deserializer with lowest memory footprint in C#?


footprint in C# I am currently using the binary formatter Remoting to serialize and deserialize objects for sending around my LAN...

What is the best choice for .net inter-process communication?


process communication Should I use Named Pipes or .NET Remoting to communicate with a running process on my machine c# .net.. you take a look at WCF. Here is a blog that does a WCF vs Remoting performance comparison . A quote from the blog The WCF and .NET.. comparison . A quote from the blog The WCF and .NET Remoting are really comparable in performance. The differences are so..

How to communicate with a windows service from an application that interacts with the desktop?


a pickle. For the cross platform concerns I'm not sure if Remoting would be supported. You may have to drop down and go all the..