

c# Programming Glossary: relying

Check well-formed XML without a try/catch?


code that recognises that input may not be XML without relying on a try catch for both speed and on the general principle that..

Moq: unit testing a method relying on HttpContext


unit testing a method relying on HttpContext Consider a method in a .NET assembly public..

Initialization of instance fields vs. local variables


example it is OK to not initialize the instance field relying that it will have its default value and accessing it while local..

OnclientClick and OnClick is not working at the same time?


client script to fire the postback anyway instead of relying on the browser ™s form submission behavior. In this case the..

Method Overloading. Can you overuse it?


will be able to work out what the overload does but that's relying on good naming discipline at the point of use which you can't..

Why is lock(this) {…} bad?


a lock on this unless it has been documented. Even then relying on documentation to prevent a problem is sub optimal. Finally..

Are global static classes and methods bad?


classes and methods bad It's generally agreed upon that relying heavily on global stuff is to be avoided. Wouldn't using static..

Sending email in .NET through Gmail


email in .NET through Gmail Instead of relying on my host to send email I was thinking of sending the messages..

How to validate domain credentials?


operation like authenticating a user account. You're relying on an exception failure for a non exceptional case and assuming..

Application.OpenForms.Count = 0 always


constructor never in any event handlers. In general avoid relying on OpenForms due to this bug. Give the class that needs to display..

Is there a way to programmatically convert VB6 Formatting strings to .NET Formatting strings?


question isn't adequate for my needs. I'm uncomfortable relying on libraries specifically designed for backwards compatibility..

windows service (allow service to interact with desktop)


conventional wisdom dictates that you shouldn't have been relying on it anyway. Services are not meant to provide a UI or allow..

Create shortcut on desktop C#


some EXE file on the desktop using .NET Framework 3.5 and relying on an official Windows API. How can I do that c# share improve..

EF 4.1 - Code First - JSON Circular Reference Serialization Error


to your previous post it looks like your application isn't relying on lazy loading anyway because you introduced there the virtual..

C# Scaling UserControl content to match users Dpi/Font Size


either. Is there no way of doing this in .NET except for relying on WPF c# .net user controls scale dpi share improve this..

Business Objects, Validation And Exceptions


the default value for a Create an account form. If you're relying on this to validate any data before saving you'll miss the cases..

C# Google Calendar V3 2 Legged authentication fails


. This will cause you problems if you were previously relying on the Allow access to all APIs to use various services you..

OData with ServiceStack?


you ten minutes of debugging. Not worth it. We don't think relying on magic behavior from black box blobs ever lasts the test of..

Change pinned taskbar icon (windows 7)


can light up an application ™s taskbar button instead of relying on an additional dialog or on an icon in the system notification..