

c# Programming Glossary: remainder

HttpClient.GetAsync(…) never returns when using await/async


. That way you get both benefits the continuation the remainder of the AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync method is run on a basic..

await vs Task.Wait - Deadlock?


its caller. Later when the await expression completes the remainder of the method is scheduled as a continuation. You also mentioned..

Why Response.Redirect causes System.Threading.ThreadAbortException?


the error is being caused by the webserver aborting the remainder of the page the response.redirect was called on. I know I can..

Create XML Nodes based on XPath?


doc.CreateElement nextNodeInXPath rejoin the remainder of the array as an xpath expression and recurse string rest..

Creating a Math library using Generics in C#


to simpilest terms. For that we would need GCD abs and remainder operations defined for each math provider. Numerator numerator..

How to know the repeating decimal in a fraction?


repeated. Example 7 13. 1. 13 goes into 7 0 times with remainder 7 bring down a 0. 2. 13 goes into 70 5 times with remainder.. 7 bring down a 0. 2. 13 goes into 70 5 times with remainder 5 bring down a 0. 3. 13 goes into 50 3 times with remainder.. 5 bring down a 0. 3. 13 goes into 50 3 times with remainder 11 bring down a 0. 4. 13 goes into 110 8 times with remainder..

How can I ensure that a division of integers is always rounded up?


if dividend is int.minval and divisor is 1 if there is no remainder division is 'even' then the return value is the integral quotient.. was the integer quotient Second was the division free of remainder And third if not was the integer quotient computed by rounding.. dividend was not zero because there would have been no remainder Therefore both are non zero. Either they are of the same sign..