

c# Programming Glossary: renaming

Event Signature in .NET — Using a Strong Typed 'Sender'?


TEventArgs e where TEventArgs EventArgs Other than this renaming I implemented it exactly as discussed above. It does trip over..

C# Encrypt an XML File


and Decrypt should work on all machines. Also consider renaming key to algorithm otherwise this is very misleading. I'd say..

Is there a good strongly typed way to do PropertyChanged events in C#?


in Visual Studio to take care of all the necessary renaming except for the property name of the PropertyChanged event of..

In C#, is “this” keyword required? [duplicate]


same identifier name. You could avoid the use of this by renaming either the parameter or the field to something unique. share..

Renaming a directory in C# [closed]


this question There is no difference between moving and renaming you should simply call Directory.Move . In general if you're..

Enum and property naming conflicts


I can't move Kind outside either of the classes without renaming it MealKind and VehicleKind respectively. I like the look of..

P/Invoke dynamic DLL search path


the first one loads other DLLs with same names so just renaming the first one won't help me I must keep them in different directories...

Visual Studio build fails: unable to copy exe-file from obj\debug to bin\debug


VS2010 on Windows 7. None of them worked except the renaming and building which was VERY tedious to say the least. Eventually..

ReSharper conventions for names of event handlers


share improve this question Personally I'd suggest renaming the methods. Generally I think VS comes up with terrible names.. but obviously the designer doesn't support that Of course renaming all the methods is going to be more work than just changing..

git mv and only change case of directory


directory from FOO to foo via git mv FOO foo I get fatal renaming 'FOO' failed Invalid argument OK. So I try git mv FOO foo2 git.. this do the following mv foo foo2 git add A git commit m renaming mv foo2 FOO git add A git commit amend m renamed foo to FOO..

How to avoid System.IO.PathTooLongException?


1 Vista has ways to mitigate the issue with some fancy renaming under the hood but this is fragile at best share improve this..

Embedding a File Explorer instance in a WinForms app form


share improve this question In order to handle renaming deleting and make other customization you need to write your..

Rename some files in a folder


d.GetFiles .myfiles foreach FileInfo f in infos Do the renaming here File.Move f.FullName Path.Combine f.DirectoryName 1 f.Name..

File access error with FileSystemWatcher when multiple files are added to a directory


first copy the file and then rename it and listen to the renaming event. Or another option would be to have a while loop checking..

Run one instance from the application


is that you or the user can step aside from the check by renaming the exe. If you do not want that you could probably use the..

How to keep change history while renaming files in Visual Studio using Perforce


to keep change history while renaming files in Visual Studio using Perforce I know there are already.. Perforce I know there are already several questions about renaming files by using a version control system. But I did not found.. which keeps the version history of my C# code files when I renaming it within Visual Studio Edit Currently I am using VS2P4 plug..