

c# Programming Glossary: removal

SortedList<>, SortedDictionary<> and Dictionary<>


classes differ is in memory use and speed of insertion and removal SortedList TKey TValue uses less memory than SortedDictionary.. . SortedDictionary TKey TValue has faster insertion and removal operations for unsorted data O log n as opposed to O n for SortedList..

How do you remove invalid hexadecimal characters from an XML-based data source prior to constructing an XmlReader or XPathDocument that uses the data?


characters has been a major sticking point. The removal of invalid hexadecimal characters should only remove hexadecimal..

foreach vs someList.Foreach(){}


the determination of which items to remove from the actual removal. It doesn't keep your code compact but it guarantees that you..

How do I create an ODBC DSN entry using C#?


included here summary Class to assist with creation and removal of ODBC DSN entries summary public static class ODBCManager..

Dependency injection and named loggers


would you wrap strictly for the purpose of injection removal of direct depdency Or would you also try to abstract away some..

How to get duplicate items from a list using LINQ ?


do this using LINQ or Lambda expression c# linq duplicate removal share improve this question var duplicates lst.GroupBy s..

How do I know if a C# method is thread safe?


on creating a call back function for an ASP.NET cache item removal event. The documentation says I should call a method on an object..

Generic List - moving an item within the list


Hosting external app in WPF window


the sample you point adding automatic resize and the removal of the caption box. It demonstrates how to implicitely remove..

Instantiating a python class in C#


Python classes are dynamic and support addition and removal of methods at runtime things you cannot do with .NET classes...

Detecting USB drive insertion and removal using windows service and c#


USB drive insertion and removal using windows service and c# Looking into possibility of making..

MemoryCache Strangeness


How to Quickly Remove Items From a List


List isn't an efficient data structure when it comes to removal. You would do better to use a double linked list LinkedList.. would do better to use a double linked list LinkedList as removal simply requires reference updates in the adjacent entries. ..

Disable/remove child Breakpoints?


the find the breakpoint when you have many set. Also the removal of a breakpoint with many children is quite a slow operation...

What are some popular OCR algorithms?


like image normalization histogram equalization color removal feature extraction textures line segments edge detection and..

Removing Watermark from a PDF using iTextSharp


of layer from the pdf. I looked into iText for layer removal and found a class OCGRemover but I was not able to get an equivalent..

What's the difference between SortedList and SortedDictionary?


classes differ is in memory use and speed of insertion and removal SortedList TKey TValue uses less memory than SortedDictionary.. . SortedDictionary TKey TValue has faster insertion and removal operations for unsorted data O log n as opposed to O n for SortedList..